Ace Rimmer

If the Root had a bbq/convention I’d so go and RSVP if y’all invited me!

How did shit fall apart so quickly for Cleveland?

good news, everyone! no one will be living on this planet soon.

Yeah, they were duped, but don’t you stand there and pretend like they took up valuable news time. This was the most exciting thing that’s happened to Eau Claire since I stopped to shit at their Wendy’s while driving to Minneapolis.

Just because you got a great result, you can’t expect that from everyone.

“Dragonstone” succeeded at this when it relied on its visuals, especially so when conveying Dany’s heart-swelling return without dialogue or getting across Sam’s lowly position in the Citadel through an expertly edited barrage of exceedingly vile bedpans.

Great lesson you learned from all of that.

I too have freakishly long thumbs. This job will be mine!

In lieu of a resume, you may attach a photo of yourself doing your best Drew Magary cosplay. Also don’t spell it résumé, total hardo move right there.  

I have no experience in journalism, I’m a mediocre beer-league level athlete when I’m at my very best and I name all my video game accounts after stale memes. I do however, offer grade-A shit-talking and biting (according to me) critiques of the performance of professionals in all three of these fields. I am

Please tell me the headline “Compete is Hiring for an Editor” is on purpose...please?

Comparing broadcast standards with print is kinda like comparing a gratuitous battle thong to a Volleyball swimsuit. It just doesn’t make sense as a comparison, because they’re separate things. I’d say, it’s kind of like a nuanced subject? With a different schema of values? Like, an actual woman with agency versus a

Eh, ESPN is on cable so they could show porn all day if they really wanted to. The FCC doesn’t have the power to regulate cable broadcasts. The main reason they did this is because they have to appease advertisers. It’s interesting that showing cammy in that is inappropriate, but broadcasting images or takes from

It’s a cellphone video of a standard def tv hooked up to presumably a vcr, shot in portrait mode.

This doesn’t fall under faireola use?

Now playing

Sorry for the poor quality, I looked for a better one but couldn’t find it.

Seems like it would be easier to just have a “broadcast mode” or something in the game somewhere that, for example, puts some black tights on Cammy.

I am sure I had something important to say, but I can’t seem to remember it, all of a sudden.

An Iowa couple... The couple is white.

it’s always easy in these comments to tell who doesn’t have kids