Ace Rimmer

It’s almost as if Trump is a liar and just says crazy shit all the time but people still report his words as fact.

Hmmm. The Eagles didn’t have their starting quarterback, left tackle, and their most versatile running back. Yet they went punch-for-punch with the greatest quarterback of all time—a QB who earned that distinction in part because of his ability to function seamlessly no matter who he’s had to throw to.

I wish I’d watched this game live.

Printing an article where the father of an NBA player has an opinion that is printed as anything like legitimate erodes trust


The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

There is literally zero chance he does anything other than sign with the Pats, rest until the afc championship game and proceed to go batshit and sack Ben six times

This is the correct take

I know a lot of people shit on Little Caesars, and I’m fully aware that it’s not great pizza by any stretch, I will firmly maintain that at 5 bucks and not having to order ahead, it’s worth that price. Throw on breadsticks and sauce and you’re golden. Papa John’s is far too expensive in relation to how terrible it is.

Yeah, Papa John’s isn’t selling well because Papa John was bitching about NFL protests, and not because they sell shitty toilet pizza made of cardboard and garbage.

I don’t carry cash as a general rule, because I like having the plausible deniability of being able to tell some feral that’s probably got its hand practically in my pocket that “sorry, I don’t have any money.”

I can’t... I just can’t anymore. The right wing echo chamber is like a centrifuge of stupid. It just keeps getting spun down to a more and more concentrated form of dumbfuckitude. I mean... “”... really? I’d make a gag here about the next thing being “ammerican-liburty-updats.kkk” but that’s probably

Nice timing, Skipper. Happy holidays.

Donald Trump has achieved the impossible, which is making me sympathetic to LaVar Ball’s bullshit.

As long as Bill Walton gets to be Secretary of Agriculture (to grow the real dank shit) I’m happy.

She’s a total shit head.

Yeah pretty weird to be like “Ah I was just a kid when I was emotionally manipulating people into sending nudes to me.”

She really doesn’t seem to address the abuse and coercing these women to send naked pictures. A lot of “I felt trapped” but not a lot of “I was really shitty to these people for no discernable reason.”. The deceit isn’t the worst of her actions, but it’s the only one she’s addressing.

Ikea. It’s Ikea. This is gonna be the shortest podcast ever.