
That sounds awesome to me! Story is important, so I think it will work out well for me. I am also excited to start the Mass Effect games. I never got into them because of the initial exclusivity of the first, so hopping into the middle of a storyline was never an option when the second came around on the PS3.

The beauty of it is the low cost. Waiting for the next generation would negate that positive for me.

I have never played a Halo game since I have never owned a Microsoft console. I think next year I might pick up a 360, especially if there is a price drop.

I prefer physical copies too, but I use Amazon and other online retailers and have games shipped to me. Brick and mortar stores are competing against those as well.

You sir seem like a smart man with great ideas. I hope you are right.

You might be right, sir. While I missed it much, I usually play offline on my PS3 so all it really affected was my ability to buy things.

All those that bitched have returned to their PS3s.

It looks the same for comic-based games as well.

They seems to be few and far between, unfortunately. I enjoy seeing more female leads in games, as well as the option to choose between the sexes a la Mass Effect, but I don't foresee much overall change in regards to their design.

It does get old, I mean, who goes out to cause mayhem in just a thong and t-shirt?

"While only a few pieces are available from Dark Souls, there's plenty of art available in the gallery above from his other work. Especially if you like monsters."

Yea, it looked clunky and unpolished. Even the fight seen with link dodging and then swinging his sword looked rather awful.

I hope they release it sooner than August 9. Everything so far looks like it is shaping up to be a good release for me, since I mainly play offline franchise mode.

Holy panty shots, Batman! I guess I should have seen that coming more so than I did...

What class are you playing as? The royal really tones down the difficulty of the beginning since you start out with whatever spell that is.

It gets harder. The fourth world, in dark tendency, is a bitch.

It's a great price, but it is really all about the multiplayer. I am not a huge MP fan, but Fat Princess multiplayer has been awesome.

Yea, like I said I couldn't find whatever source I thought I read, but I think the smart thing to do would be to offer at least a week free trial period. And you are right, I haven't played very many multiplayer games with the pass because I rarely play multiplayer. I highly dislike the experience I have had with most

Map packs from Call of Duty have actually sold more than 20 million copies, equating to more than $300 million in revenue. This is more than what two million copies of a game at $60 will bring in retail sales. Now, we are talking about a dominant franchise with yearly updates and multiple DLC for each game. Activision

What game do you have in mind? If it is Call of Duty, $15 for three maps is the going rate. They can charge it because people will pay for it. You are right though, the development cost of three multiplayer maps is not expensive, and most of that profit goes to support the persistent online community.