Finally, someone compared the PS4 to an item I have readily at my disposal! I feel like I have a good grasp on the size now.
I think it could work out. Dead space did the third-person shooter very well, and I don't believe the "shooty" sections of the Uncharted series or the new Tomb Raider suffer. I loved Dishonored, and am looking forward to Thief, but man was I disappointed that both of those are first-person.
I tried to love Mirror's Edge, I really did. I still own it because I want to go back and try it again since everyone seems to have such high acclaim for it, but I hated the fact it was first person. It was so difficult to navigate. I had to resort to watching a youtube video to get out of the office(second chapter I…
I honestly believe there is no such thing as a used game. If I buy a game and then resell it, whomever buys it is getting the exact same game.
I hope its Robinson myself, mainly because I am up in Beaver County and don't want to drive to any of the others. I wouldn't mind a trip to the Waterfront though, it be nice to head down to my old stomping grounds for a change.
A game is form of entertainment, so a car analogy does not hold water. The 37th user of the game is experiencing the exact same game as the person who first bought it, as are the other intermediate owners, and is not supporting the people who helped bring that game to fruition. On the other hand, the 37th owner of a…
getting a cut of a game the 37th time it is sold is wrong
You are right, you do own the license. What I am saying is that you never own the software, but only that license. Your analogy to a vehicle is flawed simply because it is not software. I cant give a friend a copy of my Ford truck and have it be identical to the one I initially bought. It has wear and tear from my use.
You are absolutely right about physical items, but are neglecting that a game is digital content. I would love to own every single game that I have bought over the years but the truth is, by agreeing to the terms of a EULA, I only own the right to access and play said game, just like most other software out there. I…
This is not a real issue for me. I actually am looking forward to this tech and what devs will be able to do with it. Adding pressure to the trigger pull of a gun in a game and possible affecting the outcome of said shot sounds like it will add some intriguing aspects to games.
When Kotaku was full of stars, it took me forever to get approved and even longer to get a star. I did the same as you and tried to promote anyone who would engage in a reasonable discussion or post an intelligent or funny comment. It only seems right, since I know how crappy it was to wait for it. Kudos for being…
what mobile site? redirects me to the main i missing something?
I was nervous when it was announced that the control scheme was changing from the previous Assassin's Creed games. The past controls were intuitive, and I am wondering if you could shed some more light on the change, as well as to give some insight on how the change in controls positively or negatively affected the…