
I think we should refer to this as: The Goodell Effect. He's such a shitty commissioner, that he's effecting the decisions of all the other commissioners.

The thing that offends me most about this is that ESPN thought anyone would give a shit about Sacramento in the first place.

RIVERS: Fuck you, glove!! Get out of here!!

Public defenders usually have 90-120 clients at any given time. They give a shit, or they wouldn’t be working there. But it’s literally impossible for them to devote this kind of attention to each client. If that pisses you off, you should contact your representatives to allocate more funds and hire more public

The NFL is furiously scribbling notes right now. “We’re good at this... but it’s clear we could be so much better.”

You mean the ones that weren’t in bed with the four major pro sports leagues and getting bankrolled by Comcast, ESPN, etc.? And the ones that weren’t based in the US and paying taxes?

Remember when the Feds shut down the online Poker sites? The ones that advertised on ESPN?

Graham is “going to explode” and “he’s there to jet past linebackers . . . .”

I don’t trust Alex Mack’s denial, something tells me this guy has a secret world.

Curt Schilling shared an article by Lee Judge

Maybe Pop’s going soft on us.

I’ll be honest, that’s the weirdest regional-dialect-specific version of “Duck Duck Goose” I’ve ever heard of.

I'm from Tennessee, and I'm genuinely worried about which and how many letters appear to the left of this shot.

Are you currently:

The picture is a little blurry so it was nice of them to blow it up.

The mention of “The 12s” is easily the most intolerable part of this saga

Really, though, Jim Tomsula deserves a lot of credit for last night. What a coaching job. Hopefully he gets some dollar bills in his spare-change cup today.

I think that settles who will have the greatest legacy at quarterback.

I believe I’m the best instagram intern in the league.

- RGIII Intern