
I deserve this for being a Yankees fan who HATES his guts but also thinks he was a good late round value.

Would you say that it has striked back?

Personally, I would just jerk off to get it out of my head.

If I’m the Yankees I’m absolutely furious...that no one seriously injured him

In his defense...he also gets an F-minus

Yeah right? So weird that all of those top draft picks are developing. Who saw that coming!?

I think it’s pretty damn disgraceful that you didn’t even bother spend 15 seconds to check if the Astros actually did suck. They currently have the most wins in the AL but don’t let those pesky facts get in the way of your rant.

Patriot Way...

He won you dumbasses a ring. Stop crying. God you Pats fans are spoiled.

Your handle is STAGGERINGLY ironic.

That was legitimately unreadable.

You thinking that response was "thoughtful" is exactly why people like Olbermann continue to laugh at PSU's "education".

Was the piece as a whole supposed to be a joke too?

Am I the only one who thinks getting Embiid, Noel, Carter-Williams and a top 3 pick this year, a bunch of "scratch card" euro guys along with a ton of cap space isn't a bad idea?

Thank you, I have been sending this to deadspin for days and they won't give it any airtime.

I don't think we'll have to worry about that too much this season.


Sure, don't mention that Pace and DeCosta are turning down ALL interviews. That doesn't fit the narrative you're trying to make up!

#1: We called Darren Rovell one