Your turn, Bleacher Report. How about a slideshow of MLB players with drug problems who deserve to die?
Your turn, Bleacher Report. How about a slideshow of MLB players with drug problems who deserve to die?
Mister Casserly, that's a camera.
Your handle is STAGGERINGLY ironic.
And yet somehow *I* was the mediawhore/distraction.
C’mon. If the Lakers can relocate to LA, why can’t Rivers?
The big picture here is that there’s no correct usage for the phrase at all, because if you can control it, THEN IT’S NOT FUCKING DESTINY.
Ummm pretty sure this kid plagiarized this from a Bleacher Report article I saw last week.
"You know, just once in this lifetime, I would like my favorite team to acquire a legendary skill position player who does NOT turn out to be a complete fucking shithead."
It's called allegory pal; it helps amplify his point, rather than resort to hollow jargon. But go on, find something to nitpick so you can establish yourself as the most informed white male (trademark).
It's Texas. Let's focus on the positives here.
"with the density of Ulysses and the verbal intensity of Shakespeare"
This is exactly what Borland is trying to avoid!
"This is not a drill! It's a hammer and nails... Now let's see if you can actually complete a fucking cross, Tim."
Probably still stuck on "LeCramp"
This is really confusing! The bumper stickers say "I watch NBA basketball," but the Rhode Island license plate says "I've never seen a black person in real life."
"And then a garbage truck woke me up at six in the morning; its mechanical claw had mishandled a huge bin of trash and dumped it all over the street. And I asked of the Almighty: 'Really? A Raider?'"
Nothing embodies a desire to escape racism like committing to Alabama.