Feel encouraged?? I just found out an unbelievable athlete is not only fitter than me, but also smarter. Tough way to start my 9-5, Barry.
Feel encouraged?? I just found out an unbelievable athlete is not only fitter than me, but also smarter. Tough way to start my 9-5, Barry.
"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."
I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.
Watching players get genuinely upset during a loss in the regular season makes me respect them.
Good to see Andrew Heaney is taking the deal in stride.
So you're just going to completely ignore the fact that he could have gotten injured in 2014? So, in short, you're an idiot. Got it. Next time just lead with that instead of writing an essay.
I am sick of people saying "the wrong side of thirty." There is nothing wrong ...
Holy shit. The one email just totally dislodged a completely forgotten memory. So I was on a non-stop cross-country flight back from DC to Seattle. I had the window seat, and next to me, in the middle seat, was a...ehhhh I want to say like 6 year-old boy, and his mom had the aisle seat. About an hour into the flight,…
Sometimes I think people don't quite understand what "mentally unbalanced" actually entails.
Pretty fucking homophobic to assume that ALL gay couples generate a horrific, stadium-filling stench wherever they go.
The St. Louis Rams appreciate the gesture on behalf of the black police officers of St. Louis, and would like to cordially invite both of them to an upcoming home game.
"[Those expletives] who are looting, those aren't real black people, those are scumbags. Real black people, they're not out there looting. I just watched a great story on CNN where bunch of folks wouldn't let them burn down an establishment, it was a great story…. But unfortunately, the way the media portrays a lot of…
Raysism Wrote a Comment. Try to Laugh.
It's the last bit of youth escaping his body.
Youuuuuuure OUT!!!
A-Ha Clinton Dix wouldn't hesitate to take him on.
Alright, guys. It's been translated for you by one of your own, so no more excuses and no more "I don't get it." Time to get with the program, or Terry C. will come pec-flex you into oblivion.
As if I needed another reason to love Terry Crews.
"Deadly when driving to the left in the lane? I like his style."