
Agent: Cam, you need a firewall to potect you from this happening.

Twitter: Please reenter your password.

No. The rules only apply to human beings.

And there's the only valid reason I've heard. You may carry on.

I'm 5'3" with small hands. The only reason I drink Foster's is to get a laugh out of my buddies when they see me holding those giant cans.

Can't wait to see Dwight get hit with the book like AP did from Silver, and also can't wait to see Dwight's attempt to read said book.

The pipe doesn't lay itself.

It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.

I see very little proof.

The government is behind this! Can't anyone else see that??

Wait... we don't like Tosh?

Pete Carroll (walking over to Lynch and Hauschka): You know who else was ready to ride? The 9/11 hijackers, if they actually existed.

Glad he finally got around to buying that mirror.

The good news is that he's got nowhere to go but up.

The video is filmed in a different country, one called New Zealand.

When asked about Cutler's statements after the game, once again, his Bears teammates offered no defense.

Francesa: You know why it didn't work? Because I can't be controlled.

If you dig into some of the other top names on your rankings you will see that the pass attempts per game were much larger for those Quarterbacks compared to their peers. This makes your list skewed towards early generations were there was more diversity in offensive styles (still teams that would just pound the

But he has to be the most hideous, right? He's at least 62% more hideous than the average NFL quarterback?