
I’ve just assumed this guy is behind it.

“But there’s something a little queasy about a billionaire swooping in and driving that process. Even if Musk’s designs are well-intentioned, there’s still a whiff of disaster capitalism. ” 

this screenshot said it all. I am all of these expressions.

Now playing

Wrong. This the best thing to come from the prequels.

Is this satire? You’re mansplaining mansplaining.

Reality check: It’s not “using him” when he is the dad. He can get up five times a night and again, it’s not using him, because he is the dad. Dads have to parent, too, and they can get up five times a night with the baby to help with feedings and changing and stuff, and dads often shirk this duty because they can,

The first three months with a baby are physically and emotionally one of the hardest times and you need a human body to bring you sandwiches and take the baby and put it in the crib when you fall asleep, buy toilet paper, figure out if you took your meds that day, etc. I didn’t read it as encouraging her to stay with

So, since SYFY has a black belt in pulling the plug om series nobody is watching them, they cant get the numbers since people don’t dare start watching a show because of possible (likely) cancelation. Catch 22.

She should have just gone for broke with “Tater”.

Emma Stone will take his place.

How... How is it that every Fantastic Four related decision gets progressively worse?

I don’t give a fuck what science does or doesn’t prove. I’ll take 70 years of hamburgers, steaks, shrimp, barbecue, ribs, turkey bacon, and chicken sandwiches over 90 years of avocado toast and steamed cauliflower all damn day.

The best engineering practices are no match for human stupidity.

For some reason I read that in Professor Farnsworth’s voice

That is literally an over the shoulder boulder holder

The answer is an audio counterstrike. Play the same song during hours when he isn’t there so that no one knows when he’s there or not. Alternate approach:

Welcome to KFC, may I take your HORDOR?

The joke’s on CBS, Emma Stone won’t be any cheaper.