
Isn’t that Dave Thomas and not Rick Moranis?

Assume, since you are breathing in while wearing the mask, that you have possibly sucked particles of COVID 19 that are now caught in the front of your mask. So don’t touch the front when removing it, or in general. Assume the front is as gross and contaminated as that ATM keypad and wash the crud out when you get

Whatever it was, you can bet it was covered in shag carpet.

Today’s special is on fleek.

A henley and a lanyard? Only way I can explain the odd collar look.

We’ve got four and I got two and he got two. And yes, I kept my premarriage name. The kids all look like siblings and no one has any complexes about not being a family because our names don’t match. I think they rather enjoy it. Family is what you make of it.

If you’re an amazon Primer member, there are a handful of RiffTrax bundled with the movie up for watching. There are quite a few more that are not Prime that are in their catalog as well.

Did some digging to find there was a newsletter article I had received about an event (at said restaurant) and Mother Google “helpfully” added it to my calendar. I’ve since disabled the “automatically add events to my calendar” feature.

I’ve got one, too, for the Redwood Steakhouse, which is about an hours drive from my house and I’ve never been there before.

Yes, he’s Hawaiian, but he also spend his childhood years growing up with his mom in the Iowa town of Norwalk, just south of Des Moines. So Hawaiian and Midwestern. I think he got the best of both.

Took some hunting,but I think I found a sort of translation. I took the below link and ran it through Google translate. Seems the song is about flight (makes sense) and that the title is “Airplane.”

I wonder how many were just watching it on Netflix, either through not knowing it was a SyFy (we pronounce it “sif-ee”) product or not having cable. So now I have to make a habit of streaming it off SyFy’s site and not Netflix so that their numbers are high enough? Pah - my TVs web interface is rubbish.

Agreed. I kept my last name and we split the kids up - half get his last name and half get mine. Sure at school we get all sorts of mixed up last name variations, but no one ever thinks that we are not a family unit.

The only scandoulous thing I’m aware of is that he liked to swim laps nude in the morning.

Disclaimer: I get/am this. I have four kids of my own.

Clone Wars is on Netflix (wading through the series now myself) and was a Cartoon Network show. Rebels is a Disney product and much harder to find in streaming format. (Silently shakes fist at the mouse) I’m going to resort to physical DVDs for Rebels and those are in the Netflix library.

Having survived the Iowa Caucuses, this pretty much says it all.

We had that one in Iowa on Sept 30:

It’s just “Dead Lobster” at our house.