
I have the opposite. My gut reaction is finding him charming and adorable. Then my logic kicks in all

I cannot unsee Michael Kors’ bellybutton, try as I might.

Brad Pitt, according to a source, “enjoys smoking post...

Even funner fact - this was one of the first songs converted to MP3 format. The inventor of the format used it because it has a wide range and he’d be able to hear how well the compression worked.

Oh wow, the Koreas are unified! When did this happen?

Like many said already this are just the results from USA, for example, here in México we care for how much costs an iPhone 5 and the gas on the USA (on the frontier people used to go to USA to fill their tanks because it is cheaper; also because of taxes, its cheaper to buy gadgets there).

“So sorry for your loss.”

Alcohol once a week. Uh. I think he lost me there.

“which sounds like something a racist five-year-old would write during a meditative break from lying facedown in the toilet merrily blowing bubbles in his own poop water”

I’m actually surprised Netflix picked this up....

WHY Will Forte and Steve Buscemi!? You are both so much better then Adam Sandler and his movies.

Why is Adam Sandler.

really? is this even possible in this day and age?..

One time in LA, I watched a dude order a double meat Seafood Sensation / Cheesesteak hybrid. He sheepishly looked at me and said “Surf and Turf”. Haven’t had Subway since.

Every single day, that man looks more and more like an android wearing a skin suit.

I mean, if Christian Bale thinks you’re being an asshole...

My father introduced us at a hockey game. I hate even typing/saying that.

IRL here.