
An old school fatter Karl hologram.

Disagree. Lion's face is full on "GTFO I KILL YOU NOW!" There is 0% "friendly" going on here.

Also,”Kourtney raises their two kids, but she “might actually prefer it that he’s not around.” The idiot who wrote this didn’t even google now many children they have. Honestly this lack of effort is insulting.

“Sure, I appreciate it, Dad. Giving me a football with my own autograph on it just seems a little odd.”

The guy running away is my new hero. He is on a pitch filled with professional soccer players who want to hit him and they can't FUCKING CATCH HIM. He is literally running circles around them. Ha, ha. No wonder they lost the game.

I think it was sarcasm? Not positive but pretty sure.

yeah... idk, i feel like a weirdo

I was so young when that whole Monica Lewinsky thing went down. But now, viewing it through the lens of a woman in her 30s, the whole thing - from the president's behavior to the media shaming - makes me sick.

Due to phone vs laptop viewing, my take was that Rainn Wilson's fuchsia polished toes were in some tropical waters while Reese Witherspoon talked LA gangland politics.


I thought people who are non brown is peach? That's what Crayola says. And Crayola is always right! Plus white crayons is for Republicans. That's a totally different race all together. Duh!

It's totally a real thing! I went to Sicily last summer and one time I was TRYING to say, "Good morning, I would like a cappuccino please" but instead I was all, "I oppose gay adoption, and synthetic babies are an abomination against God and nature." It was so embarrassing.

"My husband is from Italy, and if I judged him based on the words that he misuses in our English language he wouldn't be here today."

Oh, I have a wonderful example of this in action. I'm at work. Myself and the other women in the office start feeling weird. Headaches, dizziness, etc. We think we can smell gas. We become concerned. The men are all "whatever, you are all crazy". This goes on for a couple hours. We are feeling really gross. The men

Paltrow has published, what Us calls an "adventurous guide," 10 Ways to Have a Pain-Free Pregnancy.

Now playing

I am a middle school teacher in Chicago, so unfortunately "thot" has been in my vocabulary for like 1.5 years now. It obviously stands for "that ho over there" and is basically a (in my opinion) even more derogatory way to refer to a girl/woman as a slut/ho/whore/etc. It's a versatile word that can be used as a noun

how is babby formed

A point just about everyone seems to be missing!

I don't know if it's clear in this post, but it's highly unlikely that any of these brands is going to just go away. P&G is selling them in order to regain focus on their core, which is home care. Profitability at the brand level isn't public information, but I would bet that all of their beauty and fragrance brands