
Yeah, Hale just basically gave a completely justified excuse for reviewers to use fake names.

Hello, all. I am Of the Internet. I learned to code stupid HTML sites for my Neopets at the age of 10 and I was blogging about how much I hated my small town and couldn't wait to break free by age 12. Neopets became Livejournal and Xanga and they became AlbinoBlackSheep and Something Awful and Ebaumsworld and

Speaking of megalomaniacs, i.e. I know Powertrip Pinkham will dismiss this instantaneously, could someone explain why, in a story about discrimination, it's OK to continue to bash this site's favorite go-to hated minority, the Germans?

I just make up words. I find it intriguens my day-to-day conversating.

Well, the shit is GROSS and ubiquitous, so backlash was inevitable.

OK... my RSS reader abbreviated that headline to "12 year old girl takes dick"

"We sincerely apologize on behalf of McKenna Peterson's feminism. Please accept these complementary pom pom's as our way of saying we look forward to seeing you on the field. They're pink!"

"We are investigating what happened."

I think "Jealous" is a great tune! Way to go, NJ!

And that'z okay!

Nick Jonas is basically a penis with eyes at this point.

Can Will Smith Convince Jaden Smith To Go To School So He Might Possibly Learn About Grammar, Punctuation And Spelling?

Tweet Beat, now with 100% too much Jaden Smith.

I did it for you. You will be unsurprised to learn this question is asked frequently.

Can Will Smith go on Kimmel and read Jaden Smith tweets out loud?

I'm just imagining the artists looked down at their own bits and said "that looks about right" and didn't want to sculpt/paint them bigger than their own?

"That show is awkward because there's actually no reason for that character to be Indian."

True. But his phrasing scared me a bit. I know those fight exists, out there, somewhere. Should I report myself?

You mean the kind where it just comes out without effort and there's only need for minimal wiping? Yeah, it's pretty much the best.

Solid strategy: stop reading the second you find something to be bothered about. If you keep reading then the rest of the paragraph might fix the problem, and you won't be able to feel put upon and make it about you.