
This isn’t a defense of Greek life, but hazing and initiation “rituals” are a defining trait of selective groups, particularly among males, across time and the world. Making new members work hard to be accepted makes initiates value the group more, and in turn strengthens group identity. We see this in the military,

as a person who was in a fraternity at one of the schools mentioned in the article, i can say 100% that the one i was in was not like that. one of my pledge brothers actually didn’t drink. the worst thing we ever had to do was clean the house (which the active brothers were responsible for also).

I mean, I think you’re kind of blowing off the existence of nonwhite Greek organizations; they’re a thing and I’ve always heard that they’re quite helpful to their members.

Because to some extent it’s probably better for Greek Life to be associated with a school where they’d have some control over it than for it to be “outlawed” in which case Students who still want to join the Grand Order of Water Buffaloes or whatever would just do it off campus. There’s a limit to how much control a

Given his pro career there’s no way that this Chuck person doesn’t get out of this by shooting his mouth off about the whole affair. And probably early in the shot clock as well.

He’ll lead the league in steals, is what I’m saying.

If Lavar gets involved in this the kid will never see the light of day again.

Back when I was a philosophy major in college (I know, I know, just stay with me), one of the most important tricks to reading the text I learned was to straight-up forget everything I knew about the life of the author. And the reason why you did that was because if you start reading the personal life of the author

it’s Melbourne not Darwin read the headline dummy

C’mon Billy. Knowing this is Australia, there is probably another way to spin this.

Welcome to Galt’s Gulch, biiiiiiiiiitch.

if he’s doing well in life he’ll be a functioning alcoholic, whether he ever takes a drink again or not.

Excuse me, it’s Pop/Kerr.

I bet grade-school Weinstein spent six hours finding a way to cheat on a test that would have taken two hours to study for.

Go fuck yourself.

Is this country really at the point where we’re looking to sports coaches to push for social change because we can’t even begin to trust politicians to do ANYTHING?

If your knee jerk reaction to every shooting is to worry more about your toys than the shattered lives of your fellow Americans, you might suck as a human being.

No. You’re missing the point. The point is that nobody, and I mean nobody, needs to be able to buy an AR.

That’s not the point, if this guy hadn’t been able to buy the AR because the Air Force did it’s job then someone else with an AR would have filled the void and given us another shooting. It’s like clockwork and individual agency failures can’t be scapegoated as the culprit.

Thank you for your service.