
Bad suggestion. The vinyl roof when flexed below freezing will shatter. That was probably the retractable hardtop, which can be raised/lowered in sub-freezing temps.

Miata Is Always The Answer??? aren’t most ‘94 Miatas still on the road?

“Blue steel.” And some other materials, too.

It also requests the list of those who attended any of the interagency working groups

1) clean snow off the roof of the car also, windshield alone not good enough. snow left on a moving roof creates snow storm on road behind it. Be considerate.

Fuck you. name one just one hillary lie. I can name a thousand lies from Trump, which he’ll acknowledge and handwave with “just words”. fuck you

Yeah perfectly legitimate excuse, “I didn’t see you there”, by his own mother, who had been tailing him for a few miles to monitor his safety skills. He has every right to say, “F.... <swallow> Shur, Momm.” *stink eye*.

Fonz and Capt. Kirk, raced Bradshaw and Xtra, as passengers in a pair of TukTuks when they arrived in Phuket Thailand; as part of their summer show, Better Late Than Never. They spotlighted “no seatbelts, yuk”. The Tuktuk drivers drove them directly into a traditional waterfest where they all got soaked in a village

There was an episode of Seinfeld where Kosmo was shopping for a car and on every test drive he’d measure how far it would go on ‘E’. I half-expected this article to be a compilation of his results. *shrug* (as if)

like seeing a ball-0f-fire rolling down the street and refusing to douse it, saying the fire dept will take care of it. Seeing a driver texting while driving is similar. Seeing a literal ton of danger rolling down the street that could be addressed by knocking on their window is better than waiting for them to hit

my guess: Worry about one of the engines being shot out by a non-explosive sidewinder.Engines NEVER fail spontaneously. ask Sully ‘bout dat.

Drumph tweeted:

Trump did his entire acceptance speech speaking as if there was no microphone nor amplifiers in that convention hall. He never modulated, just kept yelling into the microphone no matter how quiet the audience. Hillary only shouted to rise over the audience noise. when they quieted, her volume reduced. There is more to

That fake news report describing what lead him to suicide, sounded a lot like what lead Robin Williams to his suicide. That should have raised at least a few questions in first time readers.


it is sarcasm.

“cannot know either way” is by definition, agnosticism. Too may think agnosticism is indecision, as in “I haven’t decided whether I believe or not”, when formal agnosticism is quite definite: ‘it is impossible to know whether god exists or not.’ [AFAIK]

Yes F-20. F-20 beat the F-16 in the only challenge they ever compeated. (with a hiccup). Yet the AF decided the F-16 had more existing infrastructure (parts, etc) already in place. That to introduce the F-20 to replace the F-16 was too burdensome.

better to have two rows of single seats, interrupted occassionaly with a couples seat, or maybe singles able to slide sideways to pair up. Looks like their expecting the demand to be be way more higher than conceivable, so pack the tube with as many seats as possible. It such a short ride, sardines are allowable.

The attraction being (I assume), is that Parking Tickets seem to magically appear out of thin air. Park illegally, temporarily, and within minutes a ticket appears. ( I know, not really ). Still, it would be interesting to see how long it takes for a meter maid to wander by and write out a ticket.