
Miata still has the most SMILES of any car

yes, it is literally ad hominem fallacy, accepting someones arguments only because of who they are are, without considering the argument itself. Also reflects back on someone who thinks because people agree with one of their works, then everyone will agree with everything they say.

“Car” had been around for a while. Derived from the Celtic word carrus (‘cart’ or ‘wagon’), it had been another name for horse-drawn carriages. 

why beam that empty box there first, simply beam away anything in that space to ensure nothing will poke the transportee? seems simpler and quicker. Don’t ask how that can’t be used as a weapon, like plopping an empty box couldn’t do any damage.

Allow me to mention tangentially the similar “Miata blink” that Miata owners share to indicate their enthusiasm at both owning an exciting vehicle

Seems to me it is saying its an aide for inattentive drivers’, momentarily distracted, whose car may drift into one of those trucks; the semi-autonomy will keep the car centered.

EMTs always say, “never had to take a seatbelt off a corpse”

Miata Is Always The Answer. 3pedals, sporty, great reliability, warranty superfluous and still excellent. All boxes checked MIATA for you

Not a jug handle

NJ has the lowest gas tax in the country so no self service for cheaper gas, is ok by me.

Looks like a PhoneBooth on wheels 😱

Miata Is Always The Answer. No pun intended, seriously. Go for an NC PRHT to give some AC in broiling Ca heat. 2008 or later for prht. My car, highly recommended, super reliable. Small, yet bigger on the inside, like a TARDIS

left signal entering the circle, right signal when approaching the exit from the circle; regardless of how far around the circle: 90 deg. for right hand turn, 270 deg. for left hand turn. The whole point of the roundabout is to make every possible turn effectively the same right hand turn. Massachusetts have circles

Same here. I thought there was a glitch in the listed schedule; then later saw Toonami apologize that April Fools joke put season 3 preview in Samurai Jack time slot and Samurai Jack WILL return next week. Whew

I’ll bet Biden prank rewired the cabinet room light switches to elsewhere in the house. Maybe for a bedroom closet upstairs, etc.

Another real burn was speculating that Trump is really crushing on Pattinson.

I see shade being thrown

All The Birds In The Sky by io9 alum Charlie Jane Anders, is worth purchase even if twice full price. Go CJA. Merry LifeDay.

All The Birds In The Sky by io9 alum Charlie Jane Anders, is worth purchase even if twice full price. Go CJA. Merry