Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer

The Leafs, though, desperately need and are going to adore Barrie.

This compilation just proves how great it was when the NHL abandoned the 2-line pass rule.  Many of these wouldn’t have happened under the previous rules.

I can’t see my kid in her car seat from the front, either. I have a Honda Fit and she’s in a rear-facing seat. Rear-facing seats are mandatory for all children under 2 years old in California. (87% of these kinds of deaths are for children under 3. 55% are under 1.) 

I got around this by getting a mirror for the

Mine too. Just take off your pants when you get in the car.

non-Jalops be like whaaaa?

Parent of two girls (8 and 2), and having gone through all the exhausted-to-the-edge-of-collapse parenting stuff twice (with some middle-of-the-night ageing parent issues thrown into the mix), for the life of my I cannot comprehend how someone wouldn’t be 100% cognizant of there being a child in your car with you. And

For much of my life after a good joke, I’ve wondered if I HAD to suppress a laugh for decorum or to save a life, could I do it? Surely yes, right? I read this comment (stupidly) during a lull in a very important meeting with senior executives. I bit my lip, dabbed tears from my eyes and made every attempt to control

I’ve read these sites for years, but this is what finally made me create an account to give a star.

I didn’t realize “Oh, the places you’ll go” had another literal meaning.

A deuce is a deuce

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“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Need to cut costs, time to kill The Root. That should save some wasted money.

he gave a performance that will go down in the quickbooks.

Upon initial discovery, this really evoques a lot of land rover styling. I hope this spreads across the range.

that old first-generation Pixel you have lying around somewhere.

Bruins fans nod intensely

In Canada, we say “how is American beer like sex in a canoe?”

“watered-down Coors Light”is repetitive.