Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer

Well, of course there are going to be problems when Apple tries to use windows.

straightforward except for goalie interference. then all bets are off.

Are you SURE it was Rick?

People forget he’s 84 years old.

Oh absolutely, it still stings, but nowhere near as much as it would if we had our A team there. THAT would be a national disaster, LOL. As it is...hey, bronze or 4th is still better than I’d hoped.

Thanks for this.

The Germans have a word for that, too.

ick bin ein Manitoban

I said at the beginning of the tournament I’d be thrilled with a bronze, while never actually thinking we’d get a whiff of a medal game. So... I’m alright with this. I mean, it sucks, but they were already overachieving. The major upset was Germany beating Sweden. Sweden, with OAR, were the gold medal favourites, and

I think Canadians are honestly more upset about the women’s hockey, and the curling. I am, at any rate.

This is the most unexpected German advance since ... no, no, nevermind.

I mean, this was going to be a rough Olympics for any national team that relied on NHL players the last few outings. That the US and Canada are limping home without medals hardly seems surprising.

Doesn’t some langauge have a word for feeling joy at others’ failure?

I believe the German word is “Saskatchewan.”

Definitely not posting this only kind of related tweet because I am Mad Online..

6th. The 5th is the one that says if you bring Labatt’s to a cookout you can’t take a Steam Whistle.

The types of sports included in the Winter Games may also contribute to the discrepancy, Krieger says, because there are more summer sports where doping with common drugs, like steroids, can improve performance.

In the Winter Olympics, it’s just too cold to drop your drawers for steroid injections!

I think a big part of it is there are so many technique and finesse events in winter (not saying that technique/finesse are not important in summer but seems that brute strength/endurance could overcome those issues). And while performance enhancing drugs may help you get a faster start on a sliding sport, they aren’t

>if airbags go off

You are also driving wrong if you slow down and refuse to pass a truck on a 2 lane highway because you are afraid of it (and thanks for causing 2 miles of slow traffic).