Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Ballers has titties, Any Given Wednesday only has boobs

I think you mean, Emperor Trump.

Fuck yeah!

Remote listening posts generally listen rather than generate sound.

If you read the last article you know that Jermi Grant is. They’re not going to make all the connections for you.

“If you’ve upgraded to the iPhone 7, but refuse to upgrade your headphones, then congratulations, you get to carry a tiny dongle with you wherever you go.”

Or stop being stupid and keep it attached to those very headphones that you love so much.

I’m sure the city which refuses to shut the fuck up about the ‘85 Bears will have no issue moving on.

Here’s the “Official HamNo Contrarian Tepid Take” that was supposed to come out yesterday. True to contrarian form, he waited one more day just to be even cooooooler. :eyeroll:

Amen. The next thing you know, the cast of Hamilton is going to be singing that insufferable Go, Cubs, Go song. Enough already.

More GOP gaslighting...

When Republicans voted in Trump to represent them it became ok, even encouraged.

These assholes just need to own up to their misogyny and racism. Tired of the junk explanations and bullshit apologies.

the last 25 minutes of whiplash were so good that i trust the reviews of this implicitly

Not only is that racist on the more blatant level, where they’re trying to keep black people from voting, it’s racist on a secondary level in that they think handing out weed and liquor is what will do it.

That you feel the need to come on here and pat yourself on the back on a Cubs post is the most Sox fan inferiority complex thing ever. Cheers.

Razer also has a bezel problem.

It takes about 30 seconds of watching him to see he is, in fact, back to his old self. He was badly hurt after the Houston series and wore down to the point that in the Finals that he couldn’t blow past noted slow guy/bad defender Kevin Love. He hasn’t shot the ball as well this year to start and hasn’t taken his

(buys Concourse for 28 cents and an expired cat food coupon)

That’s a good question. One has to wonder, as he clearly hasn’t been the same since slipping on the court in Houston in the first round of last year’s playoffs. He’s had a couple of flashes of his old self - last night being one of them - but not consistently so.