Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Who cares? Bring back Gawker!

Autoplay ads make me never ever want to buy these products. I hate Little Debbie now.

Stop with the auto play ads! Please! I can’t surf Jezebel at work any more cause the damn ads play by themselves.

They won’t. The victim blaming narratives will kick right in. From a bully’s mindset, she just proved just how pathetic she really was by killing herself. Rest assured for many she’ll continue to be a figure of ridicule for years to come.

And no, bullying has not become ‘worse’ lately. The violence my parents and

I was bullied mercilessly in school. It was...awful. I’m so glad that I was pretty much done with school before social media was a thing, or else I probably would’ve been in a similar situation. The worst that happened online is a guy from school spent the summer chatting with me on AIM and then turned out it was a

I hate guns - fuck guns, don’t own guns - but teaching this girl about gun safety would not have prevented this. She was trying to harm herself. It wasn’t an accident.

Probably the worst use of this meme I’ve ever seen in my life

Goddammit, lock that shit up in a gun safe and the bullets some place else.

Fuck you people who keep your guns ”hidden.”

Goddammit, lock that shit up in a gun safe and the bullets some place else.

I actually preferred his Henry V to Hamlet.


I do love both the Kenneth Branagh Much Ado About Nothing and the Joss Whedon version of it as well. The former because it’s really well-acted (with the exception of Keanu, but what. a. cast). And the latter because everyone is just having so much fun with their roles that it’s really close to a staged version for the

Say what you will about the movie, but that soundtrack is KILLER.

And if you’re using speakerphone in the office, CLOSE THE DOOR. (also, if you’re using speakerphone in a cubicle, I’ve probably already imagined your death)

it’s getting to the point where a team of investigators could discover every wrinkled aluminum piece of her wrecked plane just yards away from a rusty trunk of hygiene products and journals labeled “A. Earhart” and a pile of woman’s bones arranged to spell out, “This is the body of Amelia Earhart, a pilot who died

It takes a lot of courage to ask something so simple only to get turned away like you’re the one causing the problem. Is a real shame.

I mean, look at this...

What’s weird is that it’s sitting on top of the dirt and not in an impact crater... or has it been there so long that the crater eroded due to weather?

Pictures from Curiosity really freak me out. THAT SHIT IS ON ANOTHER FUCKING PLANET

It doesn’t necessarily due to the fact that Japan was one pillar of the Axis trifecta that they idolized Nazi uniform.