Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Get angry. Feel that anger. Keep it. Hold it tight. Never forget how it feels.

Depends on our ability to refrain from blaming others for our problems and using labels to create “us vs them”.

Patriots fans who supported Clinton/Not-Trump, this is what it feels like to everyone else when your team wins the Super Bowl. It’s like the asshole from an 80s teen movie never got his comeuppance and instead went on to be president.

As a Muslim American who spent the night consoling friends and family members, please, do not be jaded. As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s literally my only request. Because jadedness lends itself to apathy, and if there were ever a time to actually care about anything, it’s now, facing a clown president and a fascist

America does not heed its better angels. America is exactly what we all knew what America was. America looked into the abyss. America saw its id. And America embraced it.

Sorry, but they just elected the human equivalent of TL;DR.

Hillary blew a 3-1 lead.

That’s a ballsy thing to say

I’d give the other nut to see a selfie from Ivanka showing her voting for Hillary.

My Facebook is filled with people from my area claiming that the voting machines are “rigged” and switching their votes from Trump to Clinton. I work in a government building and people are flooding in complaining and a local conservative representative is telling everyone to demand paper votes and saying that she has

Now playing

Where they fail is where the Lesabre shines!

“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.

Season 7 is 7 episodes, season 8 is supposed to be 6-7 episodes... but, I have a personal theory that at some point soon we’re going to get some good news- that each episode this season will be 85 minutes rather than 60; that would mean roughly the exact same amount of total screen time as past seasons (~600 minutes

*Monty Python sounding voice* Well it’s not really much an ice dragon then, izzit? If it’s breathing fire, that’s a fire dragon, regardless o’ whether he’s all crusty with icicles n’ such.

I suspect if we see WoW at all, it will be in conjunction with the finale of the TV show. He can use the hype of the series finale to begin telling his version* of the end game.

mine is finally cooling. Check out fivethirtyeight! the odds are heading back into our favor!

This is very informative. I would add:

12) If you don’t vote, you are not allowed to bitch about the outcome of the election.

Ice dragons