Red Horse of the Apocalypse

I’ve always thought and said that NYC is America. it’s the place where you can go, be yourself, and be anything you want to be. I don’t know anymore about anything. It’s all upside down.

Yes. I’m mean apparently. Apologies to everyone who voted for the pussy grabber. You are great people. Cannot wait for a even biglier america.

I totally get it - Liberals are too mean. We have to take the high road, but Trump can pretend to be retarded in front of thousands to make fun of someone.  I just find that odd....

Trump is a result of liberals being mean. Understood. I will start wearing my Journalist. Rope. Tree. shirt so everyone knows how loving and respectful I am. Or should I wear the Hillary is a Cunt one? Let me know so I can be nice again.

Get angry, but keep it to yourself. The conservatives have very thin skin it seems, since they elected a maniac out of spite.

I know, I am just more mad than I think I have ever been. Taking the high road will not be easy.


I understand that and it makes sense, it’s just so frustrating and I am so mad.

Trump supporters are wearing shirts calling for lynching journalists, but I say “fuck you” and the world has to come to a screeching halt. Understood. It’s ok to be hateful, AS LONG AS IT ISN’T DIRECTED AT WHITE PEOPLE.


Again, to spite liberals, they elect a man who went bankrupt 4 times? A man who, in front of thousands of people made fun of a disabled reporter?

So, to spite me they elect someone they wouldn’t let their wife, sister, daughter, or mother be alone in a room with....?

The next White Male to talk about “PC culture” can seriously go fuck themselves. You are clueless.

All you need to do to be president is be a bully. Be mean. Hate others. Grope women. Make fun of disabled people.

Bush always had an air of comedy about him. This is just scary.

It’s pretty fucking simple. He does not represent my core values (compassion, empathy, love, respect), so I did not vote for him. Those who did vote for him are saying all that he said and did represents them and their values. Those values are not what any parent in this world would instill in their own child, yet

America is a trailer park.

It has nothing to do with Clinton. It has to do with core values. If you voted for Trump, you are saying hatred is OK.

I am doing the same. I am raising children to be compassionate, empathetic, thoughtful, and loving. If you voted for the man whose values are completely opposite to those, then you are unable be a part of my life or family.

So they elect a man who no sane person would ever raise a child to be?