Red Horse of the Apocalypse

The Clown Car of Presidential Cabinets.

I hate to say it, but I agree. The Dems acted like they had this election in the bag for Hillary for the past 1.5 years. I read an article not too long ago about how excited they were that Donald was the opponent. Then they forgot or decided not to give a shit about the 50% of Americans who live outside the cities. I

Seriously? Jesus, a thousand sincere apologies. However, after last night I don’t think sports will hold much more meaning or entertainment for me. At least not anytime soon.

My “liberal”, “college educated” “friend” keeps texting me saying Hillary wants war with Russia.

Dear Americans,


Damnit, Hamslicer - Stop naming nuts!

I would give a nut to see a selfie from Tiff with her ballot showing a vote for Hillary.

I don’t think Bill Belichick would write a letter to his own foxy lady friend, let alone Donald Trump.

Makes sense, thanks. I assume part of the shortening has to do with budgetary concerns. Much of what appears to be planned sounds expensive to pull off.

Thanks, I do now recall that. For some reason it slipped my mind when it exploded over the glory of reading S7 spoilers.


The spoiler mentions how the Ice dragon is going to melt the wall, so I think it is still fire-breathing.

I have a feeling GRRM is regretful about how he went to TV too soon; so he is going to purposefully try to introduce a time lag. We may see WoW in 2018, but if we ever get DoS, it’s likely a good ten years away.

One thing I am confused about - is S7 the end? Some of the spoilers read like there is more to come. Will there be a S8?

Spot on. That list is almost the right order of progression I feel watching too. Start with depression, end with drudgery.

What is the antonym of “entertaiment”? That’s how I feel watching this shit. 

When I was a high school senior (capt of the xc team), I made this huge deal and campaign for “equal pep rallying”. The admin caved, and for the remainder of the fall, when there would have been a football pep rally, there was now a combined sports rally.

Excellent, thanks.

I’m with you on all points.