Hang on....I’m new to Civ6. Are you saying you can build a port/harbor without the actual city being on the shoreline?
Hang on....I’m new to Civ6. Are you saying you can build a port/harbor without the actual city being on the shoreline?
Absolutely, he is becoming his own father in real time.
That is interesting...you like the show, but not the ‘casts. If he does an interview, does that pique your interest? Or is it the 30 min TV format that you like?
The Gawkourse
I consider myself to be a huge Simmons fan.
The Charlie Murphy Prince sketches are by far the funniest things I have ever seen on any medium.
It’s a poorly worded strawman argument.. i.e., they are scared of people who look different from them, however none are even around, yet they still open carry.
I think the average person touches their face something like 16 times an hour. It is bound to happen if your hands are blue.
It’s blown-out-of-portion event. How many embassy workers died under Ronald Reagan.....something like 95....? But that was ok, and you know why - because Reagan is a man.
The White Sox are the fifth most popular team in it’s own city. You should have picked a better franchise to be a fan of if you want the country to give a shit.
Agreed. I don’t think we’ll ever see the same level of swagger, even when he gets hot. I think last year’s playoffs really knocked him down a couple pegs. Granted, it is still very early -
The commenters on Breitbart are claiming the actions of this confederate flag wacing white man are the fault of hillary and BLM.
The internet is cold and lonely place without it
Hot Question: Have we seen Peak Curry?
That is an incorrect statement.
Access to guns increases the risk of suicide by 3 times.
Damn, you’re right...That’s the Agincourt one, right? I have to back and retract some stars now.
This reminds of the dark ages before I found the Gawker network, when I read Craigslist Rants and Raves for entertainment.