Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Last night’s episode was so fucking boring I wanted Dwight to shoot an arrow into my head.

Somewhere, people are already formulating lunatic conspiracy theories based on the perception that this closely echos the death of Barack Obama’s grandmother a day or two before the election in 2008. And if he weren’t running for president right now, Donald Trump would be retweeting them.

Forgot about Wesley. He is so good.

I’ve been super skeptical of initiatives ever since.

supported Bush in 2004 bc i was a hardcore Evangelical in high school. my reasoning was something along the lines of, “well good Christians should support other good Christians.” i was 16 and an idiot.

i was also pro-life and didn’t know what to make of homosexuality. slut shamed people, went to Third Day concerts, was

Paul Tsongas was my next door neighbor in Lowell. Literally straight across the street. Secret service came to our house to check line of sight and stuff. I was too young to vote, but I definitely would’ve voted for him. He was a really nice guy. We used to plant flowers in the community park..

The problem is Grantland was a longform site that allowed writers to cultivate a voice, which differentiated it from other competing sites. You might kind of hate Molly Lambert’s weird pop culture takes, but there would be no confusing her writing for someone else’s.

I thank the political gods that my brief flirtation with libertarianism occurred before I had any real influence in the world. Didn’t stop me being an asshole for a year or two in college, though.

Almost caucused for John Edwards in 2008. (I think I eventually went Obama instead?)

My first presidential primary I voted for Paul Tsongas.


I agree with that sentiment. I listen to all his podcasts except for the athlete interview ones. Overall he seems like a normal dude, in his podcasts, to me anyway. It is funny when he has Chuck Klosterman on though and he laps Simmons on everything.

No, because this is a problem everywhere. Look at San Francisco. Pretty much every place you find a group of white men in charge, they think it’s a meritocracy, when really it’s sexism and racism being used to exclude women and people of color.

Interesting. I’m kind of the same.. I really enjoyed his writing. I’m iffy on the podcast (something about it doesn’t do it for me, but i’ll catch episodes every now and then depending on who he has on). But him on TV just never worked. Whether on the NBA shows or Any Given Wednesday. As a fan of his writing, I hope

But she’s already riding dragons. They’ve made that bit extremely easy on the show.

Can we just agree as a society to stop talking about super moons as though they’re rare or even impressive in any way?

Seriously though, Dany and her crew, plus Cersei and her King’s Landing plotline...just horribly and quickly kill them off. There’s a freaking army of Ice Demons with Ice Zombies coming. Jon gets it. Why doesn’t anyone else?

Calling it now - Gendry will help Dany + John make valyrian steel and dragon glass. His master in Kings landing was one of a Hangul in the world who knew how to work with it and if I’m not mistaken, Dragonstone sits on an obsidian mine.

One day we’ll live in a utopia where rich male and female, black and white people will all get an equal opportunity to shit all over the poor together. The productivity will be amazing.