Red Horse of the Apocalypse

You mean the really bleak future that looks a lot like 1995, when we all listened to music from local stations on the actual radio and watched television that was being broadcast? Or we listened to music or watched movies or TV show episodes on storage media that we physically owned? Played console video games? Read

So it doesn’t explore the Central Powers perspective? Expected but still disappointing really. Don’t get why it’s so hard to find alternate viewpoints that aren’t Allied oriented in both WWI and WWII settings.

I wish I had this feature for subtlety telling my wife that she doesn’t fit into that dress anymore.

Wait, so the money is paid to and not the members of your league that you’re trying to cheat?

I am loving this. So jaunty.

I watched this live while I was getting ready for work and I had to put down my makeup brush, walk downstairs and stand in front of my TV to confirm that yes, in fact, this was really happening. Please let us take a moment to thank Chris Cuomo for growing a pair these past few months. Do you remember his tiff with

Have McDonald’s for lunch tomorrow. A Quarter Pounder and large fries, with ketchup. Trust me, the combination of grease and tomatoes works wonders for the hangover. Thank me later.

Go home, Melania. You’re drunk.

As an aside, can I just say that I still find this photo fascinating. The stress and weight of the expressions on everyone’s face here is truly historic.

I endorse this message.

She fucking killed that debate and I am drunk and a nasty woman and also i love bad hombres and fuck him and i ate a burrito and several cookies and maybe like a whole bottle of whine or wine or shit or omg i need to go to bed even on the west coast i am a mess omg i hate trump o hope he dies ifn a fire

American consumers is biggest road block to workers rights. Time and time again, Americans reward companies that exploit workers. Until consumers recognize their power and their role as ethical consumers, this is pissing in wind.

Not really, “they” know what they are doing. Say ridiculous things, then when challenged say it was “a joke”. Then get away with it.

Just think how many millions of voters across the country couldn’t vote for Romney because of that man standing there!

Counterpoint: ban all replay except for scoring plays. Sports needs human error.

Says the guy who writes about politics and the economy for a sports blog because no reputable place will hire him.

GIZMODO made me click on this article AND WRITE A COMMENT ON IT its all a conspiracy

His son (the one whose name he can’t recall at the moment) is so good with the cyber you wouldn’t believe it. It’s beautiful.

Oh give me a break, there is one buffoon and one highly qualified candidate.

You can blame Peter Thiel for that, you know, the dude that just gave Trump a million plus dollars.