Red Horse of the Apocalypse

It’s because she’s a woman. They just can’t say it out loud. So they pretend it’s because she’s a liar, untrustworthy, corrupt, forced her husband to sexually assault women, created ISIS, or [insert other psychotic babble that Politico + Snopes have both already debunked here].


The Concourse is now Gawker 2.0 — didn’t you get the memo?

Wouldn’t shock me. The NBA, despite the lack of parity, is incredibly fun to follow. The longer season means I don’t have to lop off three hours of my life for every non-playoff game and the league has such a strong gif/social media policy that I can always find out if anything really cool happened in a game between


I find the problem is that college teams are so spread heavy now that they don’t produce the players the NFL systems need to function. It’s how guys like Jared Goff end up 1st because simply they know the pro style.

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

Over saturated product. Serious decline in product. Massive increase in attention alternatives.

Exclusive photo of McDonough outside NFL offices this morning.

Jaws was an insufferable hype man. No one tried to polish a turd of a game like that guy.

Since when does comparing your husband to a teen-aged boy make a good argument for electing him?

Is it me, or is it awfully rich of her to gripe about women passing their phone numbers to her husband when she was fucking him during his marriage to Marla Maples? Sorry, honey, but if you are the side-piece-turned-wife, you don’t get to complain that your husband is doing to you what he did to someone else.

I hate that I’m actually getting scared for my safety. I have the only Clinton sign in my yard among a street of Trump signs.

When I look at her, all I can think of is Quint describing a shark’s eyes.

The nightmare absolutely will not end on election day. It may every well get worse.

She’s suggesting that her husband can’t stand up to peer pressure from Billy Bush. That might be more damning than the misogyny.

Fuck no. That is terrifying.

Coincidentally, today is the anniversary of my father’s death. As is usual for October 17, I got a call on the phone with no caller id or number. Sure, I get robocalls all the time, but those usually have some fake name or visible number. This one, just “unknown.” Been happening for years. Normally, I’m a skeptical

I will preface this with the fact that unnatural movements freak me out. A lot.

Here’s my scary story: