Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Sounds like someone is in the pocket of Big Endowment.

I can’t believe the Panthers are winless.

Hold the power and home buttons down for 5 seconds to hard reset it if you’re in this situation. Requires a pin after that.

There should be one option where we can use a particular finger to “distress” lock out the phone, after which it can only be unlocked by entering a previously set numeric pass code....

When your life is one depressing failure after another, in an attempt to find something to feel good about, you become blindly and overly invested in your sports team. Or Trump.

That Bears fan is a lot like my pun skills.

I’m having a hard time believing that there are Bears fans in Chicago.

One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.

There’s a good reason some things become cliches.

Any song longer than three minutes is basically jazz and therefore sucks.

Minihane has a face only a troll would love.

All that needs to be said about this:

They’re collectively the voice of the bully at the end of the bar. If I want to know what ignorant dickheads think about an issue, I check WEEI in the morning first. Schilling is particularly bad given his own defense of his own daughter against offensive tweets last year.

Fucking disgusting, wtf is wrong with some of you. Also, you’ll have one hand drenched in grease, though based on some of these responses, I bet they’ll use it to jack off with.

Did John Dennis get canned? He was insufferable. That entire morning show is insufferable. Schilling was made for them.

HOST: Our next call is from Curt in Rhode Island. What have you got for us today, Curt?

And your hand, soaked in grease, ready to apply to your clothing, furniture, other people, and, of course, pimple-laden face.

Holy FUCK! This is disgusting on so many levels.

It doesn’t say anything about dark matter. This would simply mean that there is 20x more visible matter and 20x more dark matter than previously observed.

Yeah, but Rush makes you think mannnnn