Red Horse of the Apocalypse

It doesn’t, really. Two of the core proofs of dark matter are far more local than this - differential rates of galactic rotation (including that of the Milky Way) and excessive gravitational lensing from galaxy clusters. 

Dark Matter can be seen within galaxies. There isn’t enough stuff within them to make the outer and inner stars travel at the same velocity, which inexplicably, they do. The number of galaxies wouldn’t affect that.

Yes, it means there must be even more.

Probably. The estimate prior to this study was 4% of the observable universe is made of matter. 10 - 20x means that 40 - 80% of the universe is matter while the rest is still unknown.

Well, it sounded better than “we dunno”.

Dark energy as well.

Oh dear, I hope things worked out for you too. Hugs.

Having experienced infertility and miscarriage I actually had to stop watching the documentary Tig at a certain point because I got so upset for her. I was ridiculously happy when I heard that her and her partner succeeded in having children.

The condescending arm rub is the best part of this.

The security camera footage at the club confirmed that that actually never happened.

He has custody of John.

Congratulations, you just helped Dan Quayle complete his crossword puzzle.

Men Are Talking
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“It’s just words, folks,” Donald Trump said during the debate on Sunday night. Trump had been asked by moderators

I still think the fat timid American voter would’ve ran from the S-Word faster than a model from Trump’s tiny groping fingers. Hillary remains a safe commodity for the mushy middle and Bernie represents all the thing they were told is Evil by the Great God Reagan and his Priests for decades.

The bright side to this is that Sanders (and others of his ilk, hopefully) can and will see that they need to be far more mobilized and organized earlier on for future endeavors; Hillary was FAR better at playing the game than Bernie, and there are lessons to learn from that. My fondest wish is to have a progressive

Needs to be said over and over. Start running for/voting for third party candidates for those state reps, city councilpeople, state treasurer, etc. all of those “non-glamorous” offices. A third party candidate running for local office should be as common as Dems and Republicans. Get people use to the idea of seeing

Fellow Democrats: if you want more liberal-leaning people at the top of the ticket, you need to vote more liberal people in down the ticket. That means showing up for primaries, that means actually knowing people’s policy positions, that means writing to your representatives about issues, that means grass-roots

EEI’s got nothing left. Dale and Holley are nice to everybody, Big O isn’t close to the same without the other fat guys talking football (even if they were hopelessly condescending), and Minihane has at least reinjected a modicum of sports talk to the morning. But Felger & Mazz are okay. Felger trolls Boston fans like