Red Horse of the Apocalypse

ugh, these boys.

The crazy bagel guy isn’t trying to become president.

It’s just a joke. Everyone can relax.

Are we breaking out the French Tricolor filters for our profile pics again after this?

I hope Kim’s security team enjoy the fruits of their deception before they get caught

It looks like its got some real Joel Schumacher neon vibe going on.

I read it over the summer. It’s fantastic. I don’t want to say too much, just that I couldn’t put the book down in its last third.

About a third of the way through the book so far. Really enjoying it. Gaiman has an incredible imagination to have created something so familiar yet so unique.

Heaven, of course, being the name of a shitty Apartment complex in Tampa.

Emma Watson has the strange quality where she somehow manages to look exactly the same regardless of what facial expression, clothes, hairstyle, or makeup she’s wearing.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen something quite so unconvincing.

For sure, caring for dependably healthy pets isn’t super expensive, in the same way that I once lived without health insurance for 13 years. It’s whether you can ride out the unexpected. Maybe it works for you, maybe not. I’m just advising that folks look into it.

We ran the numbers on this and the math doesn’t seem to add up especially since my pets don’t get sick very often. I think we spend maybe $500 a year total on vaccinations, checkups, etc for all 3 pets. We would be spending close to 3 times that a year on insurance.

And yet, evangelical voters will still overwhelmingly support him.

Howard Dean may have a theory

I immediately thought about this, but you can’t stop the splatter with this while you’re rotating your bacon in the pan. That’s its only drawback.

yes yes, if only someone had come up with some kind of device to guard against splatter....but oh what would they ever call it?

You’d have to have a pretty crazy reason to do something like this on purpose. Schilling’s just pointing out the obvious: the person responsible clearly had a loco motive.

God, it’s like if Trump knew enough about cyber to write a blog.

A cone of shame for your pots and pans. I wonder if a vet thought of this.