Red Horse of the Apocalypse

I KNOW! That scene with he and Uncas on the ledge. SIGH.

One of the very few soundtracks I own (Last of the Mohicans).

Wes Studi. One of Hollywood’s go-to guys for Native American roles.

My college roommate kept mini kit-kats in the freezer instead of mini peanut butter cups. He was a monster.

No. Michelle is too good for us.

So let’s ruminate over the fact that, if we had just gotten our shit together, if the country was even marginally less racist and sexist and if the climate of American politics was even slightly less idiotic, we might have gotten a President Michelle Obama.

Can we stop disparaging coke users by linking them to Donald Trump?

Gee...I wonder what could have been so distracting...

And, as usual, there is a giant gun to all of our heads forcing us to watch this film. And it will somehow affect the past and change the original movie, thereby “ruining” it.

I don’t know what it is about The Lion King, but there’s something really really special about it.
*rewatches the opening scene, gets all emotional already* ah, right!

You know what? Fine. I don’t care. It doesn’t unmake the original film, one of my favorites of all time. I can still watch that one.

We won’t solve race problems by dividing people along racial lines during the discussion. MLK didn’t stand up and say, “Everyone who isn’t African American must leave, this problem is ours and we will solve it without your help.” He encouraged everyone to work together. And we have to, since a large part of the

Alas, I am not. But this is the absolute best part of the internet.

Oh, great. Now I have the Mohicans soundtrack stuck in my head.

Woah. *BONG RIP*

When I was in college, my roommate and I would listen to movie soundtracks and classical music while studying so we wouldn’t get distracted by the lyrics. Last of the Mohicans was a favorite. I’ll never forget the day she turned to me and said, “You know, this will never be the soundtrack to our lives.” Now, I’m

Ohhhh that is a good one, you’re right. Bad omission on my part. But yeah the Ride of Rohirrim in Return of the King is one of my favorite scenes in the trilogy, and the score is a HUGE part of that:

Belichick is a lock for director of the CIA.

As long as Belichick is SecDef.

The NBA is so far ahead of the other big sports leagues in this country when it comes to common sense and dignity.