Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Christ, if you could hear the shit my family in La Crosse is saying in private...I haven’t lived there for nearly 20 years, but the heroin/meth infiltration is being laid down at the feet of certain new residents from Racine, Milwaukee, Chicago, etc. However, it seems the users of such drugs are not necessarily the

I’m still stunned from the moment Trump doubled down on the concept of turning our armed forces into global mercenaries “we defend them? Let them pay for it” to the point that Hillary felt the need to turn to the camera and reassure other countries that no, contrary to what Orange Cheeto just said, the US will uphold

Not many people know this but Milwaukee actually comes from an old Ojibwe word meaning “Yeah, but what about Black on Black crime?”

What does sad goose stepping look like?

I just read this interesting article today about how Hitler (and a lot of Nazis) were utterly dependent upon meth and how seminal battles were only possible due to it. And how Hitler’s “ill health” before he killed himself was likely withdrawal because the drug factories had been bombed. Very interesting!

Cotton mouth + pursed lips did it for me (my other theory: like 500 mg of adderall? Technically legal but basically the same)


Isn’t the Jets being shit what a national TV audience expects?

You don’t go to a Vegas show and want to hear Britney or Lionel Ritchie say “Tonight I’m just gonna play new stuff”

Give us your old act, the classics.
Keep being shit, that’s the J-E-T-S we know and love.

I know that MLB would never admit it publicly even if it were the case, but I’ve always felt like the Rays (and while we’re at it, the Lightning) were never intended to be, like, actual teams, but more a chance for Northern snowbirds to get to see their old teams again (and also keep pumping money into the system).

There’s audacity, and then there’s “we’ve ended racism, let’s go home” audacity.

Tampa doesn’t have a baseball team. St. Petersburg has a baseball team that for some reason calls itself the Tampa Bay Rays.

“He was out!”

Tropicana Field is Fenway South. Oriole Park at Camden Yards is Fenway Mid-Atlantic.

Why did I have to scroll so far down on the comments for this?

Hard for the American government to do much when it is hogtied by the GOP Congress and left to slow roast over a campfire.

All hail the Trisolarians!

The American Government is falling behind. American companies seem to be doing pretty good right now.

Uh oh...

It’s Jesus. Can you imagine the pressure he is under right now? Guy just wants to play some GTA and people keep asking him for stuff.