Red Horse of the Apocalypse

The internet is cold and lonely place without it

Hot Question: Have we seen Peak Curry?

That is an incorrect statement.

Access to guns increases the risk of suicide by 3 times.

Damn, you’re right...That’s the Agincourt one, right? I have to back and retract some stars now.

This reminds of the dark ages before I found the Gawker network, when I read Craigslist Rants and Raves for entertainment.

No fuck them for waiting until there was public outcry. There is no excuse, and no “well, now its ok”. IT IS NOT OK.

I feel like that if Hillary Clinton were a man, none of this would be happening. Actual threats of violence seems like something they feel is appropriate only because she is a woman, b/c violence and abuse against women is tacitly promoted by conservatives.

The liberal media strikes again, right? Covering up urban combat in American cities and brutality towards our heavily armed para-miltary police.

Let’s spend 30 seconds looking on the internet, and yes, 42 cops killed in 2015 versus the 986 they shot and killed.

I find the Butler angle interesting. I have never played football, and don’t watch the All-22, so I can’t tell - but he doesn’t seem like an elite-level player. Is he? Or is he above-average, and the Pats know it, so they can retain him where they would have let a guy like Asante Samuel go in the past.

It’s clear the Pats are going to invest in Hightower, and retain him, but this trade is ridiculous at this time during the season.

Thanks, great response.

I am not saying anything - I asked a question.

Not what I am saying, but thanks for putting words in my mouth. Please, instead give me your actual opinion. This is a social experiment.

I find it curious that the conservatives label all social justice as being overly PC or being a libtard or being a pussy. They are OK with slavery as a joke, genocide as a joke, the holocaust as a joke.... To them, every insult is a joke and we need to lighten up.

If we stopped caring about this shit, what would happen?

I hated this episode. To me it was everything wrong with the series in a nutshell. Another group of people. Another “named” place (The Kingdom [barf]). Another scared guy who we have watch become a man via violence. More Carol being Carol. UGH.

I love how the “loving Christians” don’t heistate to attack anyone who disparages their myths. Keep turning that cheek.... hahaha