Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Don’t be dumb.

I agree - Using “folks” is highly patronizing imo.

Good choice ;)

And they’ll never do that because they’d rather lose casual fans than diehards like me,

So you’ve never been to Breitbart, then? The conspiracy-based non-factual “news” site? It’s a Nazi convention in there.

Progressives have guns, of course. However, they aren’t threatening to use them on other Americans if they don’t get their way.

I’ve stopped being scared about the Trump supporters’ bully tactics and threats of revolution and violence. These are man-children who need a loaded gun on them to feel secure in towns where the populace are 95-99% white.

Someone on my facebook feed just posted a Fox news article from 2014 about (debunked) voter fraud and the Trumpanzees are going bananas over it. The fact that not one of them even clicked on the article to get a single piece of information other than the inflammatory headline tells me everything I need to know about

As soon as I read these words the image literally changed in my head. Now it’s paint all the way down.

Not yet, sir. The landslide on Nov 8th has yet to happen.

Let’s not care about anything except ourselves. Got it. Sorry you lost to Trump, Ted.

Just for the sake of being that guy - We all face the possibility of getting shot and killed every day on our jobs, going to them, and going home. That is, thanks to the terrified man-children packing heat everywhere. I look at every traffic interaction as my potential murder. Thanks, NRA!

I am just honestly surprised that Trump isn’t using his less fuckable children as body shields.

Agreed. Fox news is going to look centrist once Trump sets up Volkischer Beobacther 2.0

Bob Hoehler can suck a million dicks.

The run-of-the-mill baseball fan should be rooting for an epic Cubs collapse, so that all is right with the world. So, saving the Klubot for G4 makes the most sense.

You have to admit though, most of that did come on one broken play.

Dude has really honed his craft since then... :)

A Russian publication aligned with the Kremlin, claimed the missile could carry a payload capable of wiping a landmass “the size of Texas or France”.

Please god of abraham make it November 9th already.