Red Horse of the Apocalypse

You think that rant is bad? I went off on home jerseys with names this week.. You’re the home team - we know who you are, and I don’t care if fans of other teams don’t.

Why is no one pointing out that the Hurricane Matthew storm track looks like a giant flaccid penis being rubbed on the Florida coast...?

The whole case is just too weird for it to have been an outsider. Too much time with her, too much unecessary violence, supposedly while the family was sleeping. Nah, I am pretty convinced it was Burke who hit her, Dad who thought was she dead, so he did all those vile things (sexual assault with paint brush, the

I think what is most fascinating to people is that there is a decent chance the parents did it, which is like the ultimate taboo, so it tickles our horror and fancy at the same time.

Everything is upside down. The world and climate are falling apart around us, but people want to focus on “scary clowns”. I have no explanation.

Amen, brother. Conservatism is a scourge on civilized society.

I absolutely love and adore Dan Carlin.

I think this was Drew’s best article on Deadspin to date.

Canada’s is far superior. Ours has one good phrase at the end.

That scared the shit out of me. Knowing you could be in a foreign country, and their law enforcement is judging you NOT by evidence but by what he sees when he looks into your eyes.

I really like Mulan. With kids, I have slowly been building the Disney/Pixar library, and have been making ranks. Mulan is in my top 10.

Dude. That’s real patriotism. This is about fake patriotism. We don’t actually want to help the people our goverment sent abroad to die for their political will, we WANT TO PRETEND WE ARE ALL COMBAT VETERANS whose friends died face down in the mud of south east asia so that we could have the god given right to run

If you don’t bow down to the fabric and song which are DEITIES ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS, you hate Amerika.


I thought the same thing as I watched it. The cruciforms....

I agree. I thought The Master was pointless. But yes, Zodiac - adore that flick.

It’s the “valuable” argument. With him on or off the Angels, they suck. So, it’s hard to say he’s “valuable”. Stupid, I know.


NO. We do not want you bandwagoners and 400 lb hackers to root for us. The nation’s newest team is the Cubs, so you are all stuck with them.

Blue and Orange!