Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Agreed. I have empathy for Kim the human being who was scared to death and threatened with a gun, but I feel absolutely no compassion in the sense that if you don’t want to get robbed, maybe don’t bring millions of dollars of jewelry to foreign countries.  

A hundred times yes to this statement.

Wow. That picture above does not give me good feelings about this. That looks like a campy pile of cheese and not what I was expecting at all.


manipulated the system to her financial gain all the while milking the very system she derides

I rented it from Amazon last night on my computer, as it was not available through my TV.

Goddamnit! It’s not available on Amazon VOD.

Fuck it. My wife is asleep - I’m watching it tonight.

I had a similar situation, and had to wait until Soph. year to move in with my pals. We started as the “honor study” group, but by 2nd year were the “taking 50 hits of LSD to Phish between the four of us” group.

My 1st roomate played Alice’s Restaurant on repeat every. single. night. so he could fall asleep to it.

My second college roommate (out of 3) cried one night and told me he wanted me to be his best friend because he never had one before. I moved out later that week. He was also a super-duper lightweight and made a embarrassment of himself every time he got high or drunk.

Its gonna be the main event. Like no film was before. Disney’s brushing up on making cash, by pushing this out the door.

[looking in mirror]

Agreed. I often get very frustrated and depressed by message boards, but interactions like this make me remember why I like doing it. Have a great week!

I had the biggest crush on the younger sister in that movie....and never forgave the actor who played Magua (sp?).

hahaha, I’m laughing, because you are either my best childhood friend (John is that you?!) or we have very similar tastes.... Yes, I totally forgot, and love Glory. It was probably one of the first CDs I ever owned. I will have to remind myself about HFRO, thanks for the tip.

So Epic... No one writes as well in that genre, not even GRRM.

The horns do it for me. Bur-bur....bur...burrrrr! I would ride to my death too....

The scene and score at the end, when there is no dialog for like 10 minutes is just so good, it has given me goosebumps just typing this out. Totally agree with you.