Red Horse of the Apocalypse

He is dumb - old school country is awesome. Love me some Waylon in particular.

I too, love the Rohan LOTR theme.

Yep, good point. My opinion is that people need to be less argumentative (not you, just in general), and more open. Most comments on the myriad articles out there read like unwavering statements of fact. It’s all opinion based on one’s personal experience.... but nothing seems to be couched that way. So, if someone

No, he was asked a question. And he responded extraordinarily well. My comment is aimed at everyone who has to add their two cents when they have no experience to lean on.

“If it’s not your daily experience, you don’t understand it. I didn’t talk to my kids about how to act in front of a policeman when you get stopped. I didn’t have to do that. All of my black friends have done that. There’s something that’s wrong about that, and we all know that.”

Rule #1. If a website uses Comic Sans, it shouldn’t be used as a medical source.

I have a hard time believing little Pluto, out in the depths of cold space has that much liquid water. There has to be another explanation.

Study: Hot American Moms Do Nothing But Yoga and Read Their Phones In Starbucks All Day

You mean future interracial porn star.

I wish black people would shut up so cops could murder them in peace, employers and business owners could discriminate against them, LGBT people and people with different religions.

Agreed, most I’ve been around smell like essential oils, or for one dude I met - like weed (he literally kept weed in his dreads)

I am an idiot, sorry. I thought it might be on a website.

I love this sentiment. It’s this year’s version of “they hate their coach!

Did you see how big his head was? There was a shot of him taking his helmet off, and he’s got a fucking melon up there.

I don’t see anyone play with the same level of intensity and fun as Julian does on every single play. He has nearly entered my sacred Patriots pantheon.

Over eight yards of field possession.

This is so, so good for multiple reasons. I mean, how was Steiner supposed to “invent” an entire SS army to relieve Berlin, which was surrounded by like 1.5 million russians...?

Which is amazing in itself, b/c if you replace Hopkins with Generic WR, the Texans basically have negative yardage on offense.

I couldn’t watch that style of offense every week, but once in a blue moon, the option-offense is pretty entertaining to see.

I can’t wait to see Bennett fully applied in a two-TE offense with Jimmy G or Brady. He looks scary out there.