Red Horse of the Apocalypse


There is something incredibly alluring about Emma Roberts. Maybe it’s her anime eyes, but she really does it for me.

Exactly. And if oppose our surveilliance or spying or bombing of hospitals or killing of innocent black men, you must hate Amerika and the flag and god and thomas jefferson and all that nonsense.

It is a baseball position. Ortiz is the greatest player to play that position, so yes. It is (should be) a lock.

Terror is currently defeating the US. We have lost freedoms, privacy, have turned the police into military groups, and have turned against ourselves, and divided ourselves.

And we question why kids these days are pussies? Seems like we are making them that way, then blaming them for it with stupid shit like this.

Trump makes Bush look like a cross between Ghandi and Stephen Hawking.

Protest voting is self serving masturbation that does no one any good. You get to feel all special, and literally every single person with sense has to pay the price.

No one cares about your shitty opinion. Go fuck off and get back to your BBC cuckold porn.

Stop with science and reason, because conservatives do not believe in either. Unless their DADDY told them so, they do not believe it.

Seriously. Came across a lime fruit chew the other day, and my wife and I almost cried with joy. Lime is SO MUCH BETTER THAN GREEN APPLE. What the fuck happened that made nearly every candy drop lime for that garbage flavor?

Mark Whalberg stars as Murph in the exciting true story of two down-on-their-luck homeless veterans who save countless lives by just trying to make their way on the cold streets of NYC. Christmas 2019.

Thanks. I did.

I am very glad to see that the OJ drama won so much. That was the best TV I’ve seen in a long time.

Sansa and Gendry? Agreed. :)

He’s a petulant child who won’t finish it because he knows we want it, and it’s some sort of power trip he’s gone off on. It’s annoying.

I’ve tried to read The Similarillion multiple times, but it sucks and is meaningless. GRRM is deluding himself by thinking that we want that same junk for Westeros. Yes, some of you do, but most people want a conclusion to the story GRRM started, and refuses to finish.

I have other things to finish first” Fuck you, you do. You made a tacit contract with your readers to finish the series you started, so get on it.

I work (remotely) on a project in GB, and the residents are far too invested in the Packers. It’s a like wake every Monday after a loss.

Seriously. Edelman is the fucking BOSS out there.