Red Horse of the Apocalypse

In the second video, you can see one of those dumbasses jump on the crane like his 160 lb body weight is going to right it.


Yep, we are on the same page!

Mental Illness + Guns.

Nice. I have that same article bookmarked for these discussions. i’ve posted it several times already in this thread.

• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.

I keep the stats handy:

Right, except none of your examples include a device specifically designed to kill people.

I was DYING to see if Aerys+Joanna=Tyrion

Awesome post!! Thanks for the details so I can get my story straight.

Can I get a dash button that will just have Amazon send me another random dash button when I press it?

Can I get a dash button that will just have Amazon send me another random dash button when I press it?

Funny that you say that. I feel similar thoughts, even about this season. Yes, it was great. Yes, lots of shit happened. But it is a completely different experience from Seasons 1-5. I have been debating internally about going on GoT TV hiatus and waiting for the WoW at the very least. I don’t know how to quite

Jon and Sansa (or Arya) is gross, and you should wash your mouth out with soap. Yuk.

Right - and that is a major issue for the TV show. The first 5 seasons were true to the books, by being slow and expositional. Season 6 is a taste of what the Song of Ice and Fire is like as a TV Show-only.’re right - that would have been cool


my god man, it’s too early in the morning to make me cry :)

I thought Inside Out was excellent, but far too melancholy to re-watch multiple times. Zootopia explores big “adult” issues as well, but is more fun, and more watchable.

Relax and Sleep (on Android). You can mix noises, which is what I like.

I get you, and sorry for being a mannerless cad, at work I let emotions flow- it’s how I get my shit done (with anger).