Red Horse of the Apocalypse

Check it out sometime. It starts slow, but with each new “era” the story gets better. I read it right after Moon is a Harsh Mistress, so the two will forever be entwined in my memory.

I kind of hope not...Jaime is one of my favorites. I think he is the most dynamic character in the story.

mob fever ;)

Baby Snow > King in the North was top-notch, good point. So was Tommen’s window. Everything was very well done cinematically.

Speaking of that - what were the Vale guys doing during that? I can’t recall. Were they shouting and what not too?

That scene annoyed me a lot. The receptionist (for lack of a better term) is at max 40 years old. He treats Sam and Sam’s story like “Oh boy, here we go again with this...” There is NO WAY this guy has ever been in this situation. Every Maester we’ve seen is ancient, so that guy has been on the job for maybe 5 years,

Love that book

Looking back, my favorite scene was the quietest - when Dany makes Tyrion her Hand.

Cersei: “Yeah, I did aaaaallll this. What the fuck are you going to do about it, one hand?


Shit....I never went back and realized that the serving girl checking out Jaime was Arya. I suspect that she just didn’t want him interfering.

Since this is a pretty strong parallel to the War of the Roses, I expected for a long time that the final ruler would be a Stark/Lannister child, or some other combo which will form a new House, (like the Tudors irl)

Damnit....I thought Geralt was going to be an actual historical parallel. ugh.

Best new GIF from the season

yes, yes, and yes. It’s one of the strongest arguments that Tyrion is half Targaryan. People get all upset whenever this comes up, but it just seems so obvious that T=T.

Where is the source for that? I’ve never seen or heard of this angle.

If you don’t want spoilers [SPOILER] Don’t come to websites where it’s discussed. It’s literally the lamest first world problem in existence, and no gives a shit if you haven’t seen it. This is on YOU, not us.

Me thinks Lyanna Mormont has a crush on her leige lord.

I didn’t notice that, have you come across a screen cap of it?

Yes. At least in the books there are.