Straight Cache Homie

The US military provides (in theory) a necessary service though. It’s not purely for the entertainment of rich folks (again, in theory). Rich folks that can be entertained in a plethora of other ways who’s point is not to inflict brain damage on the participants.

I’ve always loved the sport of boxing and the artistry of it at its highest levels, but it’s getting harder and harder to justify morally. Re-watching the knockout, Day was game and defending himself until the final strike. In other words, he isn’t dead because of the referee or his corner screwing up and allowing him

Actually, no human being is capable of making rational decisions - not you, not “the impoverished” (bad sign you’re othering them like that), not anyone. Homo sapiens is a rationalizing animal, not a rational animal. The rational choice paragdim you’re operating from is a pernicious falsehood.

But what about boxers such as Day, who come from solid middle class families and are educated? Also, plenty of bouts happen in front of people who are far from “privileged”.

“They did it toooooooo” is the retort of a five year old. Players who lie to umps to change the game suck. On any team, at any time. Especially when there are a shot load of cameras around that will prove they lied.

This is how they’ve been playing for a few years now. They’re remarkably good at advancing runners, combining stolen base attempts with directional hitting to move guys from first to third on a single, and punishing opposing teams. I’m a Rangers fan and I love when they do this shit, even when it’s against us. Fun

Just like with any All-Star snub, if you think you deserve to be playing, you need to tell us who you would replace. And if you say “Lavelle,” because she’s young and took your spot, you can go straight to hell.

I know exactly how he feels. There was this media company I liked that was bought by sociopathic hedge fund vampires who paid themselves obscene salaries while running the company into the ground.

There are numerous examples of this kind of round-number-chasing in meaningless September/October games; leave it to the Red Sox to shit away a full season THEN get their sanctimonious panties in a bunch when the opposition reminds them they are playing in meaningless games.

After this review, I might take a gander.

That makes sense if he chose to go there despite a comparable offer here or elsewhere. But Lerner spit in his face and told him to take it or leave it. He doesn’t owe us shit.

Yes. The mouth-breathing, right-wing Louisiana base that mostly listens to the right-leaning WWL immediately began barking that Seth did this himself. The lawyer said 14 people have access to the Twitter account password; Seth was not one of those 14.

What is it about fan psychology where it makes sense to Nationals fans that they should mercilessly boo and heckle Bryce Harper, but give warm, polite applause to someone like Ian Desmond when he comes back wearing a different uniform?

We had a no ring, no bring policy. I have 23 1st cousins (all but 3 are married), plus 16 aunts and uncles. That’s 59 people right there (no, their children were not extended invitations either - urban wedding at night, not exactly ideal for kids anyway), sorry I wasn’t as willing to spend my in-laws money to address

“Can’t even joke with a friend these days...”

Chalk this to lessons learned from being married.  Women like straws because lipstick wears off while drinking from a glass.

We did a destination wedding. We purposely only had my brother and her sister in the wedding party, so no one was obligated to come for that reason that wouldn’t have been going regardless. We had an engagement party near my parents and a post-wedding party a few months after the wedding near her parents, so that

I eat the spear FIRST. The brininess whets the appetite.

Planes fly due to the Bernoulli effect. And because I know this, I was able to nail the goddamn New Yorker and their legendary fact-checkers such that they had to print this correction!