Straight Cache Homie

I also want to start a death metal band called Bone Thugs n Dissonance

which has caused a lot of violence and property damage here in Portland

Eight total comments and two of them are your take on Antifa. 

Has anyone ever wondered if this hideous, Twilight Zone-esque timeline of the past few years is really a comatose dream? That all of these bizarre events are really your subconscious trying to provoke your consciousness, even comatose, into recognizing that these events are unreal, implausible, and that you’re truly

They can’t get rid of interleague play. There are 30 teams, 15 in each league. Without interleague play, one team would have to sit home every single weekend. Meaning they would have to either cut the schedule to 150-ish games or extend the season by weeks.

Also, interleague play, lack of pennant race drama, $14 beers, unabashed owner greed, and…

I honest to God have no idea who you’re arguing with right now.

Some men pay a lot for that kind of thing in Moscow.

Arsenal invested heavily and wisely...”

Even in my hardest of hardcore metal days, I would stop and watch when Missy was on MTV. She is just mesmerizing. I think of her like I think of Peter Gabriel. I’m not always sure of what is happening, but you can’t NOT watch

Penn State has a long history of pressuring people to do things before they’re ready. 

730 pacific time was a mercy. It’s was like 85 degrees at kickoff. I was at the Dodgers vs Yanks game dying. It’s almost as though our climate is changing somehow.

Yeah it was pretty clear who wrote this once you realize the headline isn’t sarcastic.  Especially since Billy won’t actually watch MLS but still writes about it.

An MLS blog that is honest about what it is but also complimentary of the entertainment the game provided?

*Checks author*

First can we talk about how brilliant of a name El Tráfico is for this rivalry?

Flores is in an impossible position - he’s got a job that not many black men are hired to do and even fewer get to keep for a long period of time, and is concurrently expected to fully and unequivocally support a cause and speak out firmly against his boss.

Whatever. It’s not nearly as bad as the internet makes it out to be these days. 

My three year old was asking me about sports team mascots recently and mentioned elephants and I said, “No, there’s not elephant teams.” And like 4 questions later I remembered the A’s and was like, “WAIT. LET’S GO BACK TO THE ELEPHANT THING.”

I thought I would hate her performance from the traikers, but ended up really liking her.