Straight Cache Homie

Are you guys pretending global media isn’t a thing? Trump, Obama, Oprah, Ronaldo, Messi, LeBron, etc are all above anyone you guys listed except Jesus.

Have you ever met an American Christian? I guarantee that 90% of them couldn’t tell you who Abraham is, and would probably think you meant Lincoln, our first president.

80-90’s Jackson could be high up. His international concerts were insane. Hitler, Einstein, Mao Zedong, and John Paul II are all top 10 material. 3 of the largest gatherings of humans on Earth were crowds that came out to see JP2. He is known. Buddha is sorely underrepresented.

I keep hitting on Julius Caesar, maybe? His name is a synonym for dictatorial rule in the Western world.  Whether that translates beyond Europe and the Americas, I couldn’t tell ya.

Here’s what I don’t get. Those two feel free to choose whatever team they want to root for, no matter how random-seeming, but they want to foist their dumb decision on their kid? They should just watch their games, have their dumb arguments between themselves on the subject and let the kid decide which one of their

Paul’s letter to the Corinthians: “Guys, we gotta move more merch.”

They made the movie Rudy about his life.

But wouldn’t this disqualify Jesus as well, since it’s almost certain the depictions of him we know now look nothing like he actually looked. 

No Pope Thrower? 

or buddha. because you can actually depict buddha.

Also, if you wanna get all high and mighty again like that in the future. at least spell their damn names right. FFS. 

Ya’ll treat dumb childish shit like it’s something that’ll require 30 years of intensive therapy and that a million bucks in emotional damages are owed to the victim.

“shittiest thing ever”?

Every 13 year old boy during gym class

Guys, what if Left Shark wasn’t just screwing up her Super Bowl performance?

It’s clearly meant to imply that his lack of comment might indicate he’ll fight it. Kinda like how Deadspin tried to imply the USMNT didn’t support the USWNT’s equal pay fight because they didn’t respond to the emails requesting comment within 5 minutes:

Yes, the company should have a response soon, although these things always take longer than you think they should. But the article was about why Bill Simmons hasn’t made a statement about the union’s request for recognition. The answer, which is obvious to anyone with a little bit of experience with these things, is

You should be aware that Simmons can’t really make a statement until the company, as a whole, responds to the request. Making any statement about the union’s request for recognition could be a potential unfair labor practice, particularly if any part of that statement could be construed as an attempt to interfere with

Even if you like your workplace, it’s never a bad idea to unionize, even if it’s only to make sure the things you like contractually stay that way. 

Because while Simmons is management, he doesn’t own the site and there are other people who are involved with the money side of the Ringer who could force, say, writers to be “independent contractors” instead of “staff” and that would complicate their earnings and benefits. Unionization helps clarify matters and