Straight Cache Homie

I get the ridiculousness of the situation, but he completely ghosted his ex-girlfriend, whom he repeatedly said he loved and promised to return to after the show was over, then repeatedly lied about it to Hannah.  Her whole thing was total honesty, and Jed was a dumb selfish idiot with zero emotional (or mental,

um, he’s also extremely good at catching baseballs, and off-the-charts good at throwing them...

I think Mr. Bottle is commenting on Bauer’s usual Twitter response when people call him on his combative shit, which is “I’m not mad, bro, I’m laughing at you guys for getting angry.”

Jump on the Twins bandwagon!

Global soccer has nothing to do with this. No where in your blog did you write where the money would actually come from. As was stated above, in order to pay someone $100k a year, there must be an investment into the the team to justify that wage. One team drawing 17,000 fans a game while the rest of the league draws

“ go home to kids you don’t know.”

“What do we need?” A billion dollars! So we can do things properly. Not like idiots, which is what we end up doing.

sir this is a wendy’s

Some of my best friends are black and white photographs.

I wouldn’t know, I don’t see color, only character,

Those were the absolute worst.  I remember it taking me weeks to unlock the gold pp7 on the cradle level

What better way to stick it to the Yankees by not only refusing to send them Syndergaard because of...reasons...but also trading for one of the few viable options they had left?

This is very cool. God I still remember the time and effort put into unlocking every cheat. The Facility to get the Invincibility cheat was brutal.

Because Carmelo Anthony is a delusion diva and James Dolan is a fucking idiot.

Let’s be clear - puking in a bathroom of a gas station 7/11 off the interstate after you just spent the last of your money on meth is rock bottom.

Gigantic houses can be a good investment though if one can afford it. Given the AP going broke news I think they should consider this over investing in their business managers brothers restaurant.

That headline, devoid of the context of his birthday, made me think he died. Glad to know he’s alive. RIP, however, to those defenders’ ankles.

It’s good to know the history of borrelia bacteria, but as some of you are hinting to, a caveman having spirochetes in his body thousands of years ago doesn’t debunk the notion of the US government, other governments, or terrorists weaponizing ticks or the bacteria just as they do anthrax. Sadly, there’s those that

Zombie is sort of right. Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night was meant to spread the plague in Southern California. It would have used fleas, not ticks. The plague inflicted fleas were to be transported by long range sub and then spread either from balloon bombs or by boat plane.