Straight Cache Homie

Mother Fuckin Tobin Heath! My daughter’s favorite player, not just because Tobin publicly humiliates defenders, but because of her Hard Chill.

Tobin Heath. She can kill.

Me: violate me with that scorpion tail, daddy

The other one in the shorts suit is Tobin Heath, and honestly I didn’t even realize until today that Pinoe was basically wearing the same thing because I was too busy looking at her lol

But sadly not the rating of “mythical creatures who would fuck you”. #ConsentMatters

This happens every time that Beyonce is brought up. Someone (usually 50-60 people) claims that Beyonce sucks and that everyone treats her as above criticism. This is not true. She has fans whom are way too into Bey, and they will see her work and love it regardless, but my god does she have a sizable number of people

My wife swears she saw one once on vacation, but I was not there so I can’t confirm it.

What color was her skin? Asking for a racist.

If i did not know this was you, i would have asked if this was Ben Shapiro’s kinja account.  

No. He actually lost them both in a freak crocheting accident.

Sunglasses, chains, and way better shoes.  You’re right - altogether much better than Megan’s fit.  The accessorizing nails it.

You should call this gimmick account “Warmer Horndog.

Yeah but did you see how fucking high he jumped?!?

Is it minus a point or plus a point that she’s wearing the same thing as Tobin Heath?

Yeah because one thing we don’t do enough of around here is call out the NCAA.

I think anyone who immediately equates potluck with casserole has spent most of their life and/or formative years in the Midwest.

I hate to be that guy when it comes to women’s sports. I loved watching every minute of the World Cup and rooted our side to a victory ... buuuuuuuut...

There are vast differences between men and women.

My son is an elite-level trampolinist (yes, those exist) at 10 years old. He’s a goddamn genius on the trampoline,

Who the hell wants casseroles? They are always almost untouched. Bring dessert, BBQ, handheld veggies, or chips and dip.

I attend five or six potluck dinners a month. Our friends/neighbors have had a weekly one every Wednesday night for 17 years, and so that’s our regular staple (between 15 and 30 or so of us every Weds) and then there’s a neighborhood porch party one Saturday a month. Since this more or less constitutes my social life,