Straight Cache Homie

They used to hang horse thieves, I figure a public flogging for a dog thief would be appropriate. I hope he gets his friend back.

I actually think, glaring miss aside, Altidore had an incredibly strong game. His hold-up play had the Mexico back line in fits, and he was linking very well with Pulisic and Arriola.

So much this. I mean we spent weeks slagging Jill Ellis about how she was using her extremely talented players.... Berhalter looks like a guy who neither understands who he has or how to use them.

I'd like to mention Arriola as a positive.  He doesnt have the chops that Pulisic does, obviously, but he does some good things and is generally pretty Rock solid.  He also has a knack for getting the ball in goal, which is lacking on the current team.  He'll almost certainly never be a stud, but it's worth

The Lovitz sub is an indictment on Berhalter. You’re down 1-0 with minutes to go....and you bring on a defensive player? I admit our bench wasn’t stacked but you need to bring on an attack-minded player in that situation every time. It’s a completely illogical move on Berhalter’s part and we should all yell at him for

He’s wearing a wrist band with his name on it. A decent security guard would have offered him and his friends a ride back and dropped him off with a smile.

Equivalating Emmett Till with a serial killer is certainly something

Al Cowlings?

Agreed. I’d like to believe that this is a bit of subversive consciousness-raising on the part of whoever did this. Let’s see Laquan McDonald’s face and name on the big screen next. 

Eric is the one who watched his dad steal his charity and turn it into a money laundering machine, so he’s probably learned enough to know he should at least try to escape the blast radius when Daddy inevitably sits on dynamite and lights a match.

Other famous Austrian painters include...

Because they like to seem hip and cool.

Put up a sign inside the stall reading I know what you picked last Thursday or whatever. Maybe the person possesses enough shame that the mere indication that someone has noticed and disapproves will be enough to get them to stop. Probably not though, so you’ve got to make them think the jig is up, and if they do it

I have to give credit, when I originally saw the headline, I groaned about another VAR post from Deadspin, but I thought this was an excellently written article about the reasons behind some of the current issues and how we got here. Completely agreed that the decision to ratify the new rules just before the WWC was a

Holy shit, we get it, Deadspin hates this World Cup. Fuck man, I haven’t seen this concerted effort from a publication to ensure the world knows their opinion about something since The Ringer closed shop after GoT ended.*

This is the Straight Pride Parade of the NBA.  

This is especially effective as a troll job because of who wrote it.

It’s a lawless zone where social norms can touch you. I’d go as far as to say that the elusive pre-9am, pre-vacation beer is one of the more Elite Beers in existence.

This probably isn’t even a question. But is there a worst decision than trying to sleep next to your kid?

Bush evaded those shoes because he is fairly athletic old guy who’s got reflexes like a cat.