Straight Cache Homie

Can we just make all of these white guys drop out?

“he doesn’t represent anyone except white men who cannot see their privilege and when called on it fail to grasp that they don’t inherently deserve the attention and accolades for doing simple things they should be doing anyway”

I really like him and hope that he can use this to get some momentum for a House or Senate run (at the very least, he’d be an improvement on Evan Bayh or Joe Donnelly.)

  • BA, Philosophy/Politics/Economics, Oxford University

I don’t really have any patience for this right now. Every single candidate on the Dem side, including freaking Tulsi Gabbard, is an incalculable improvement over Trump, who’s not only the worst president in US history but one of the worst leaders of a country in, at least, modern history. We can get back to our usual

This is false. Under is plan around 600 vacant and abandoned houses were demolished and around 400 houses were repaired. No resident of these neighborhoods were pushed out of their houses. Homes are very affordable in South Bend. Too affordable even ($30,000 -$40,000 for some and mansions cost like $80,000). Banks

That topic has been done, a lot. I’d for sure read a Jez piece on it, but there’s a ton of great investigative pieces on the true scams that MLMs are. The Dream podcast is a great example, and Samantha Bee just did a piece on them. I’ve read pieces from Washington Post, Medium, Bloomberg, etc.

Shit like this is why banning the shift is dumb. I know, I know, it’s way harder than it looks to use the half of the field that is wide open, especially when the models say that pulling the ball and hitting monster dongs is most efficient. But maybe your model is just wrong. Use the whole damn field!

Why? He can’t have his own personal beliefs yet still see the Church as an organized place for his spiritual needs? Do you really think every Catholic (practicing, or lapsed) is against birth control or homosexuality? I hope this doesn’t come as a shock to you, but many individuals do not march in lockstep with a


You’re full of shit. My wife is an openly bi Catholic who actively disagrees with her church and does everything she can to institute change through her position in the Catholic Women’s League.

 By Edward Scissorhands

well then it’s a good thing “ally points”, a system you just made up, don’t matter one bit. individual beliefs and actions, on the other hand, do.

Gay Catholic men are very common in South Florida, in fact in a Hispanic community, it’s easier to find someone who’s gay over someone who isn’t Catholic.
And they’re not idiots, they know the history of persecution, they lived it. But they’re young and hopeful surrounded by other people that look at the best of

Food and soda in a gym. Do you want Morants? Because that's how you get Morants.

I like this show because it features reporters who - I think - do actual reporting as opposed to pure talking heads.  Real reporters who do actual work and then bring that to tv is what we’ve strayed from.

why is it bad to celebrate at 10-0?

I’m glad the take givers are getting a well deserved break from their usual task of policing the expressions of young black and latino men, and spending time policing the expressions of young women.

I’m currently in my early-thirties. Been with my girl for a couple years.

or, just let people live their lives and love each other. you aren’t part of the equation, and neither are your feelings.