Straight Cache Homie

That’s $14,684 more than what NCAA athletes make

This wasn’t no robbery.

Hmn. Spouses can’t be compelled to testify against each other...

That’s not what I was expecting John Rocker’s kid to look like

In defeating the vile Dookies, Rocker threw the first no-hitter in Super Regionals history.

Have to disagree. If you are going 80-85 mph with a speed limit of 70 in a 2-lane interstate, it IS acceptable to stay in the left lane continuously passing the cars on the right AS LONG AS you watch your rear-view mirror and move over if a car is coming up behind you.  

What everyone needs to learn is that everyone driving faster than me is a maniac trying to get themselves and everyone else killed, and everyone driving slower than me is an idiot causing traffic.

Plain and simple, unless you’re passing, stay the fuck out of the left lane. 

*ahem* Fred VanVleet Sr.

When will Boston ever catch a break?

Barry comes with a Hall of Fame, Stories will be told, Songs will be sung, level tweet

the only reason he thinks he can get away with it is literally every single experience he’s ever had.

The thing that gets me about this is that there’s literally no other scenario in the world where a dink like Stevens would do this to someone like Lowry who could clearly and easily kick the shit out of him. The only thing that lets someone like Stevens think he can get away with it is a lifetime of thinking that

“This” is a weird spelling of Ivanka.

The answer in the cars/bikes/pedestrians argument of “who’s the d-bag?” is: everyone. Every single one of those groups, in general, assumes they’re entitled to about 10% more of the road/path than they really are, and they all fuck up in different ways:

No. Chances are your loser son who didn’t make it to the majors is an asshole too.


Which means her bail was only $20,000 for FALSIFYING DRUG SCREENINGS.