Straight Cache Homie

Maybe it’s just me but aren’t we sort of conflating the ideas of madness and evil? Killing innocent people in war is evil but not necessarily madness. Genghis Khan killed so many people in his conquesting that he altered the Earth’s environment but we think of him as a grade A jerk, not a funhouse lunatic. There was a

As always, I am hesitant to reply to comments with the knowledge that the Kinja system elevates Staff contributions and thus the comments themselves, but I want to address this since I’ve seen it pop up a couple of times in my notifications.

A lot of Game of Thrones fans aren’t A Song of Ice and Fire fans. They’re in it for the empowerment memes and “I drink and I know things” t-shirts. They call the show misogynistic for making Dany go nuts, as if Game of Thrones was supposed to end happily with Dany and her dragons smooching everyone and building wind

“Also, the only brown main character is now a unrepentant killer of unarmed people. Cool.”

She’s been getting crueler and more focused on the throne as an end despite the means for a while now. Then in the last few episodes she lost Jorah, another of her children, Missandei, and her claim on the throne.  Oh and the love of her life betrayed her and made it clear they couldn’t be together romantically

I’m having such a hard time wrapping my head around D&D deciding to end it with two short seasons while HBO was completely fine with full 10 ep seasons for 7 and 8, and even wanted more than that. Like why rush to the end like this?

I think we need to connect the dots and remember that everyone adored Emilia after season 1 but started being critical in season 2, when we now know that she was recovering from brain surgery.

he’s the only one that made sense.  he lost the only person on the new continent he cares about, so yeah, go kill some unarmed soldiers.   i didnt’ see him killing civilians but i could be wrong.

People in denial so hard they’re pushing the narrative of the bells being the deciding factor and not literally everything leading up to the moment. It’s also obvious which fans are strictly Twitter based by how upset they didn’t get their YASS QUEEN moment in a series about tyrants and their decisions leading to the

Honestly maybe even worst served than Dany’s arc was Jaime’s.

What in the seven hells was Jaime’s plan? Did he seriously want to run back to Cersei, even when it was clear she hired a hitman to kill him? The framing of their death being tragic was really weird.

How has “Infinite Tucker” avoided the NOTY bracket? That’s an 80-grade name

I grew up a Bulls fan. I live in Wisconsin now, and the Bucks are, to me, one of the most fun teams I have ever watched, and I really enjoy watching Giannis highlights and cackling gleefully. Will I be a vile front-running traitor if I switch my allegiance?

Hi!!!!!!! 👋🏻I appreciate the kindness. Also, I still work here. 

I do both, but the post bath shower is more of a rinse. 

Washing in the bath without a pre-shower is like jerking off before sex, I learned this from Mr. Baseball.

I mean, two [1, 2] sister publications to Deadspin now cater to this exact demographic - offering the dumbest/most obvious advice for people who somehow have both never had any human contact AND don’t know how to perform simple online research.

Agreed—cargo pants are the only way to go when traveling by air. I can stash all my items in the various pockets, and then, when I get to security, I just take off my pants and put everything through the metal detector in one neat package!

My wife is a millennial. Our first international vacation together was before smartphones, so all we had was a map and directions to the hotel. It was already dark out and we were tired. I’m driving the rental car and asking her to navigate. At this point, she tells me that she doesn’t know how to read/use a map.  And

That’s definitely an improvement from me forcing whoever’s riding shotgun to eyebang an atlas and then yelling at them because they can’t read the fucking thing properly.

I think this kind of reliance on something like yelp is troubling, you stop anywhere that looks good and deal with the repercussions later, some parts of the country you should only trust chains, but man if your in the country you can’t go wrong at any local breakfast or lunch spot